Can an Engine run on an engine test stand with a Holly sniper FI unit?



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
I am helping a friend restore a 67 Camaro. We are currently building the 327 for it. We are building it up to about 350 hp, and he is buying a Holly sniper FI unit for it. He has an engine run stand. We have run several engines on that run stand, but I have never touched an aftermarket fuel injection unit, and I wonder if we can run the engine on the engine run stand with that FI unit? Does anybody have any information on that for me?
Break-in has to be a smooth, no problem, start, time, monitoring guages, ex temps etc. to ensure success .
My kids had to mess with this and that trying to get the injection working, fuel ratio, fuel pressure, oops, a leak, train to idle, yada.
I believe it would be in both of your best interests to KISS .
Keep It Simple Stupid .
If you are really familiar with injection, - absolutely sure the cam break-in won't suffer? ?
When you accidently drop a slice of bread and jam?. - does it usually land the way you want ?
I wouldn't gamble .
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I agree, throw a known good carb on it for the break in.
For break in with the EFI you should already have a good base tune map. If you don’t, I’d run it on a good known carb for the break in period. Once done and post break in check is done, slap that thing on there and setup a base tune on the run stand. It will have to be adjusted once in the car. Most of the EFI systems are self learning as the car is driving and/or you can create your own tunes. You’ll need the correct pumps on the run stand tank for fuel pressure, along with the correct wiring.
Dyno, yes. Engine stand, probably not the best idea. Modern dyno shops are equipped to handle EFI but an engine run stand is pretty basic and really doesn't have the peripheral equipment to facilitate it. Run stands don't put a load on the engine either so it's not really a true break-in. But mostly, if you're not familiar with EFI, first fire up is really not the time to learn about it.

You'd want to have the electrical stuff planned out to simulate how it would be set up in the car which is a project in and of itself. EFI needs to wired properly or it will have problems. Temporarily twisting wires together in attempt to get the engine running is not the right way to go about it.

You'll also need a fuel delivery system that can supply sufficient pressure (58-60psi). How are you controlling the ignition? It's generally best to control the timing through the Sniper so you'd also need to have that set up beforehand. That part is not a huge deal but it is a consideration.

Kind of a long-winded way of saying put a good carb and ditributor on it to make sure it fires up and runs right away. Once it's in the car and running, then put the Sniper on it.