Can or spray gun



Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2012
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Hello everyone,
Im pulling my 383 out of my 68 dart gts this weekend to fix a few things and paint the motor. Whats the best way to paint it the spray cans or should I get a qt and put it on with a spray gun? Also ill take any pointers. Thanks guys
I hate spray paint, but it has it's uses. I usually rattle a can to paint a motor. You can shoot it with a good paint and get a much stronger paint and longer lasting look. You will need to clean the motor spotless and make sure all grease and oil are gone. Me, I would spray bomb it.
me too. high temp engine paint has been great to me . i always rattle my engines. as long as its spotless it will last a long time.
I say spray bomb it. I used some plastikote on my engine and it came out great. I don't think I would have gotten much better results with a spray gun.

Also do a bit of research on what you decide to clean the engine with prior to paint. Some things might screw up your rubber seals. just want to point that out before it happens.

I know i used brake cleaner to clean my head on my first headgasket I ever did(a few years ago). It ruined the valve guide seals and the car smoked on start up after that.:banghead:
Thanks guys ill clean it good before I put a new seal kit in. about how many cans should I get?
4 cans at the most,...but clean It good,...spray em and set it in the sun,..If ya got a heat lamp, even better,high temp engine paint from a can likes a little heat while its drying...thats what I do for my cop steelies on my daily driver,...engine paint won't fade as fast.
engine degreaser and a power washer is the hot ticket. i like to apply 3-4 light coats letting them set up 10-15 minutes between each . if you use too much paint or put it on too heavy, it likes to chip off. when i use orange, i like to dust the engine with a high temp engine flat white as a basecoat. it helps with getting great coverage with the orange topcoats