can you opt out of a forum?



I know I'm right....
Oct 13, 2004
Reaction score
Tustin, CA
Tired of the polarization of members in the political forum, I dont want to hear it anymore here. Can I opt out of that forum and its posts? I already "unjoined"
whatever do you mean, you tired of the 2 sided debate with no middle. I should have never drilled the left/right left/right into the recruits heads.
I have created monsters.
does this mean we are not going to complain about obummer and his policies on, say, windmills in the general discussion forum?
Yup. Its just the double standard of so many things that its a losing battle trying to debate 'em as minds are made up. That windmill policy wasn't his alone, but he punted it into the red zone with 3 days left in his administration. Thanks.
My point was, the main merit of the N&P is to keep conversations like the one about the windmills out of the general parts of the forum
Online forums work best if people only talk about the general topic of what the forum is about.
This way you don't really get to know the person behind what they type. This little boundary keeps most people polite and respectful.

Politics and religion expose the real inner thoughts and believes of people, and that's not/never what's in the best interest for a (car related) forum.
I met some nice people there. Actually I met them here. But relationships here are like surface tension on water, only a few molecules deep. In P&R, we can dive right in and get to know eachother. I prowl around in there from time to time, and have learned an awful lot about the way your country is polarized. Of course there is no way for me being able to understand any of it, but it's fun to see you all kicking eachothers balls. I just hope you all never bump into me, cuz my balls are still working.
But the real thing I come for is learning about the second coming of the Son of Man.
Online forums work best if people only talk about the general topic of what the forum is about.
This way you don't really get to know the person behind what they type. This little boundary keeps most people polite and respectful.

Politics and religion expose the real inner thoughts and believes of people, and that's not/never what's in the best interest for a (car related) forum.

Perhaps, but I have a little different philosophy...

I see us all as friends. And as friends, we talk about many things, we tell jokes, talk about news, and sometimes even talk about cars. :) I want people to come here and spend time even when maybe they don't have something specifically car related to talk about..

However, because politics can be so volatile, I have it in a hidden forum you have to sign up for.
Fair enough, if you see the entire site as a local bar or something I guess.
However, I have seen on a number of other forums, the quality of the related topics mostly go down (snark remarks, members with knowledge going away, members having hidden 'beefs' with others), just because of a stupid conflict in an unrelated subforum.

Personally if it was my bar, I wouldn't want any of those tensions, people going out of their way to show their true colors and 'almost' bar fights ruin the stay of other 'bar'-visitors.
I joined the Political forum once. I follow politics very closely.

I learnt two things in there:

  • You can't put Moderators on your ignore list.
  • You can get out of that forum with some semblance of sanity if you're quick enough.
Perhaps, but I have a little different philosophy...

I see us all as friends. And as friends, we talk about many things, we tell jokes, talk about news, and sometimes even talk about cars. :) I want people to come here and spend time even when maybe they don't have something specifically car related to talk about..

However, because politics can be so volatile, I have it in a hidden forum you have to sign up for.
And I appreciate that , Joey.. And you actually share intellectual posts , once in a while.. Very Nice....
Fair enough, if you see the entire site as a local bar or something I guess.
However, I have seen on a number of other forums, the quality of the related topics mostly go down (snark remarks, members with knowledge going away, members having hidden 'beefs' with others), just because of a stupid conflict in an unrelated subforum.

Personally if it was my bar, I wouldn't want any of those tensions, people going out of their way to show their true colors and 'almost' bar fights ruin the stay of other 'bar'-visitors.

it might just be me, but i tend to get into more trouble with other members in the general part of the forum then in the political section
perhaps people have lowered expectations in the N&P, i dont know
All social topics have boundaries, yet we never know exactly where those boundaries are. That's because those boundaries are placed by others. Most recent examples I can reference are Cathy Griffith ( who knew comedians had boundaries ) and that guy who used the 'n' word in conversation. If he had only been black and said "nigga", no issue.
We wont see a pic of Donald Trump holding Cathy Griffiths head, James Comeys head, none. Those boundaries are now exposed so all are aware of. Anyway... That's why I just don't go to any N&P gatherings.
If you'll consider a off the wall interpretation of "Call Me The Breeze" you can "Call Me The Still".
I aint blowin' at nobody. Nobody's blowin' at me.
Personally if it was my bar, I wouldn't want any of those tensions, people going out of their way to show their true colors and 'almost' bar fights ruin the stay of other 'bar'-visitors.

I see that quite often in the general forums, from people that aren't in the N&P forum at all.

One has to have the ability to separate the 'Shark Tank' mentality while in the general forums, if one cannot do that then perhaps the N&P forum isn't for them. I am in there a lot, yet other members who I don't agree with or vice versa have posted in the general forums in reply to each others question/post, with absolutely no angst at all.

It's abrasive at times, but I find it informative in relation to others thoughts. I respect others thoughts and can vehemently disagree at the same time, that goes both ways, at least for the regulars in there. There is some friendly jousting that goes on in there (between the regulars), it's just how it is, and unless one has been 'in there' a while it appears to be polarizing and very unfriendly. As for me, I would lend a helping hand to anyone in there whether we agree or not.

It ain't for everyone.