Canadian's don't carry

nope, they are real.

I love the Canidan Five dollar bill. It has youth hockey players on one side and Don Cherry on the other side.... 8)


Originally Posted by plumcrazy704406 View Post
whats on the $1000.00 bill

It has been awhile..and the issue dates have different colours but I believe the 50 was orange...hafta go onto my safety deposit box to tell..I used to have one..but I sold it..only a 50 now. ..and it is worth more than 50 now :)
Wow maybe I have a colour problem all my fifties look red to me LOL and Don Cherry should damn well be on a bill better him then Trudon't or that aclown who cancelled the Aero not a name worth mentioning.

PS I think that hundred is fake shouldn't the portrait be over beside the 1 in 100 ?
I had to jump in and get back to this old thread :happy10:
I am enjoying seeing some fun info on the deferent pictures :happy10:
Creed brought this back from Europe to add to my collection :happy10:

I will figure out what they are soon, I may have to ask Creed.

49'ers KNIFE 054.jpg

49'ers KNIFE 055.jpg

49'ers KNIFE 061.jpg
I love the Canidan Five dollar bill. It has youth hockey players on one side and Don Cherry on the other side.... 8)

Hey! If THATS Don Cherrie,where the loud suit that destroyed my eyeballs?