Can't say if this is a "joke"

Crap, Hitler is still alive and writing articles. Run Forest Run!

Nature would have found away to weed out the morons but the left side of government has mandated so many safety labels for these people that are just common sense to a "normal" person it keeps the morons alive. For instance I saw a label once on a toaster that said "do not use in or near the bathtub or shower" So obvously someone did it.

The bible says the meek will inherit the earth and it is probably right.

Sounds kind of like the movie Soylent Green.

If only the college educated get to live who and the crap is going to do all of the work?

Thanks a lot, Chuck.
Now my screen has pieces of sandwich and slobber all over it.

The kid makes some very good points.
And then he goes over the top to make it better.
QUOTE: .....the bottom 25 percent should be executed.

Just think... if this guy has his way, people like me wouldn't be here for your amusment. :glasses8:
c'mon john i thought you and i were in the 26th percentile!

just kidding.............

i totally agree that article. there are too many people on this planet to pull stupid ****, so we need a form of population control. i live in a city littered with crackheads, that are nothing more than androids. they have lost the capacity to think rationally. they need to be exterminated, imo. what true benefit do they serve society? same with all the lazy sacks of **** that are on section 8 and live around everyone else that pays rent and taxes. move them to the outskirts of the city and consider it a privilege to live within the city.

ok, i'm better now. oakland can be a great place, if you remove the element.
Never heard of this guy, bet he would do well in China....a little lead with your chewing gum? All in all, this is a great place...even that point of view gets heard
Nature would have found away to weed out the morons but the left side of government has mandated so many safety labels for these people that are just common sense to a "normal" person it keeps the morons alive. For instance I saw a label once on a toaster that said "do not use in or near the bathtub or shower" So obvously someone did it.

I agree with you there is no such thing as common sense anymore!
They should do away with warning labels and let the idiots/morons take care of themselves,if they are dumb enough to use a toaster in the tub they deserve exactly what they get!
God bless and keep the Johnny B. Goodes of this world.
I'm a firm believer in the Darwinian principal which is the stupid people that do stupid things die so that they can't pass on their stupid genes to the rest of the population. I draw the line at assisting that demise. Visit Darwin awards for a good laugh then consider that these people are actually out there. Scarry

I'm a firm believer in the Darwinian principal which is the stupid people that do stupid things die so that they can't pass on their stupid genes to the rest of the population. I draw the line at assisting that demise. Visit Darwin awards for a good laugh then consider that these people are actually out there. Scarry


I agree with you. I'm tired of working and paying taxes so that lazy and dope crazed people can have a free ride. The problem with the majority of these people is that they can't face reality. Reality is, you work for your money, you take care of yourself and your family, and quit whining about how tough your life is. The only people that deserve help are the REALLY downtrodden and the physically handicapped as in Katrina survivors, elderly, etc. Get out there and work for your existance, I do, and 5000 years ago this wasn't an issue, was it? In the animal kingdom, it's survival of the fittest, and the weaklings do not live long do they? Just my opinion, any bleeding hearts are welcome to bash me on my views, just remember, reality is survival and visa versa. Tom. :banghead:
Husqavarna chainsaws actually come with a warning in the manual "Do not attempt to stop chain with hands or genitals"...usually, these warnings are there because someone tried to to just what they're warning against...WTF mate? At least the guy who tried to use his genitals to stop a chainsaw will effectively remove himself from the breeding segment of the population. If anyone gets a chance, watch Idiocracy...terrifying film, really...500 years into the future, idiocy is the standard.
bottom 25%?
what if out of 100 kids
75% got 100% but 25% got 99%?

this guy needs to rethink his stuff. Also You need dumb people, there are things that a smart person just wont do.
I agree with you. I'm tired of working and paying taxes so that lazy and dope crazed people can have a free ride. The problem with the majority of these people is that they can't face reality. Reality is, you work for your money, you take care of yourself and your family, and quit whining about how tough your life is.


Hey I found out I'm loosing my job again, am I complaining, no...Ya go out and get another and finish my schooling.
Husqavarna chainsaws actually come with a warning in the manual "Do not attempt to stop chain with hands or genitals"...usually, these warnings are there because someone tried to to just what they're warning against...WTF mate?
I bet it was the same guy who just finished the soggy toast he made in the shower!
If anyone doesn't believe that's true, just read some of the posts on here. People can't construct a complete sentence, complete with proper capitalization and punctuation, not to mention SPELLING.

Hey-suse Kristies on a popsicle stick.....there's a fuckin SPELL CHECKER built in to this thing!!

Anybody else here ever occasionally witness something so amazingly stupid happening in front of you that for a few seconds you hear that high-pitched whine, like right before Michael Ironsides' head exploded in 'Scanners'? :bom: Just happens to me now and then...usually on trips to Wal-Mart
A few years back we had a local doctor, a very good doctor, have a head on accident because he was in the oncoming traffic lane. Seems he was in a hurry and thought it was faster there...he was headed away from the hospital. Point is, the dumbest people I've ever met happen to be the most brilliant. So, just who do we choose to get rid of?
Ranks right up there for them changing "auto pilot" to "cruise control"

Supposedly some pilot, while driving his motorhome, set the auto pilot and got up to make himself a sandwich....while driving down the road
I agree with you there is no such thing as common sense anymore!
They should do away with warning labels and let the idiots/morons take care of themselves,if they are dumb enough to use a toaster in the tub they deserve exactly what they get!

That would work if you could do away with the lawyers while you were at it 8) You do something incredibly stupid and you successfully sue, WTF?
wow, I agree with survival of the fittest/ nature will control the idiots, but this guy sounds like a modern day hitler. Although Hitler did not eradicate the morons he tried to wipe out a whole society full of smart succesful people and im sure a few morons too...
If anyone doesn't believe that's true, just read some of the posts on here. People can't construct a complete sentence, complete with proper capitalization and punctuation, not to mention SPELLING.

Hey-suse Kristies on a popsicle stick.....there's a fuckin SPELL CHECKER built in to this thing!!


if you base it on spelling im screwed, as with the complete sentance thing.
spelling is over rated any way. but i bet i'm at least in the 50 percentile.