Can't sleep! Too excited!

Sorry to here the bad news Mikelbeck.
I hope for the best when the heads come off.
I got a whole lot of pics and a whole lot of stories.... I'll post more later. But here's a couple of teaser pics.

Here's how my car spent the weekend:


My buddy got into the Wheelstand contest. I think he should've won, but that's just me.



Rich arm dropping:



The Yellow half of the Burwood Boys Racing team:


Big crowd late in the afternoon:

This is the car that one the pump gas drags I think.


They were talking about that guy (he's the one that won the wheelie contest), I think they said it won the fastest streetcar shootout, or something like that. I don't remember hearing anything about the pump gas drags.
They were talking about that guy (he's the one that won the wheelie contest), I think they said it won the fastest streetcar shootout, or something like that. I don't remember hearing anything about the pump gas drags.
Both ! he from Oceanside, Long Island right by me and drives on the street all the time !
A couple quick shots,
I also met up with the Legend. I missed ya twice when I came back. You pulled out the second time around. How's Dad?

After 2 straight days I was out of there after I heard the #'s called for the final 16, He had to much considering 3 days ago they pulled cancer out of his bladder but would not stay home and miss this !!

Rob you took pics of cars????? everytime I seen you you were taking a shot of a girl !!!!!
Rob you took pics of cars????? everytime I seen you you were taking a shot of a girl !!!!!

Yep, that sounds about right. :snakeman: The wrong part was the shutter of the camera would get stuck semi open . It looked like a sideways S of light and the rest blackended.

I grabbed most of the car shots right infront of you. But hey! What do guys like best?
I was takenig shots of the 2 out of 3 best things in life. (Most probelmeatic ones as well! :homework:

Hope pop stays well.