


Member #9641
Mar 31, 2009
Reaction score
Heart of Georgia
[/FONT] In this hi-tech world I have noticed that many who text message and email, and even post on sites such as this one have forgotten the "art" of capitalization. Those of you who fall into this category, please take note of the following statement:

Capitalization is the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off his horse, and helping your uncle jack off his horse.

I cannot stress enough that proper grammar can be most important, too! lol

I think a lot of members (and people in general) lack keyboarding skills so they just bang out what they want to say and don't really care about grammar and capitalization. It's a pretty blue collar site, maybe FEBO reads more pleasantly, but personally it doesn't bother me.
I for one have always tried my hardest to capitalize when I should but have noticed that sure enough a lot folks do not. I know it takes more time to capitalize but I do it anyways even though I have the option not too.

What you illustrated Frankie is case it point.
The English language has suffered a lot these last few years

»point« *grunt*
Poor spelling skills bother the crap out of me more-so than lack of commas , etc.

TO : "This is to go to _____________ ."
TOO : " There are too many people here ."
TWO : " I get two of these Underoo's ?!? "

THERE : " It's over there ."
THEIR : " It's their home ."
THEY'RE : " They're going to see 'Flash Gordon' . "
Uncle Jack's horse, Off, had a hard time with it at first but looked to the mare, Rose, for the occasion.
The comical thing about the spelling errors is there is a spell check that you can download and use....
The comical thing about the spelling errors is there is a spell check that you can download and use....

ʞɔıɥɔ llıds ou ʇoƃ sɔıuoqǝ
Give us a break, It's hard enough to text and drive without worrying about Capitalization and Punctuation. I could go on about i before e, but i've got to drive.
Poor spelling skills bother the crap out of me more-so than lack of commas , etc.

TO : "This is to go to _____________ ."
TOO : " There are too many people here ."
TWO : " I get two of these Underoo's ?!? "

THERE : " It's over there ."
THEIR : " It's their home ."
THEY'RE : " They're going to see 'Flash Gordon' . "

It's unbelievable how many people cannot get this right. TO and TOO. Where were you in 4th grade when they taught that???

Then there's the first old standby...typing PEDDLE instead of PEDAL. Peddle is to stand out on the curb and try to sell junk.

Then the second old standby..BUMBER. What???? BumPer. One B, one P.

My last aggravation is a paragraph that is one big long sentence that never ends has no punctuation no capitalization goes on and on and makes the person writing it look like they've just smoked a big rock of crack then peeled themselves off the ceiling then had someone tie them to a chair so they could sit still long enough to compose this huge sentence!!

Please...if you are going to write things that you want other people to read, have mercy on them and try hard to make it easy to read.
TO : "This is to go to _____________ ."
TOO : " There are too many people here ."
TWO : " I get two of these Underoo's ?!? "

THERE : " It's over there ."
THEIR : " It's their home ."
THEY'RE : " They're going to see 'Flash Gordon' . "

it's unbelievable how many people cannot get this right. To and too. Where were you in 4th grade when they taught that???

Then there's the first old standby...typing peddle instead of pedal. Peddle is to stand out on the curb and try to sell junk.

Then the second old standby..bumber. What???? Bumper. One b, one p.

My last aggravation is a paragraph that is one big long sentence that never ends has no punctuation no capitalization goes on and on and makes the person writing it look like they've just smoked a big rock of crack then peeled themselves off the ceiling then had someone tie them to a chair so they could sit still long enough to compose this huge sentence!!

Please...if you are going to write things that you want other people to read, have mercy on them and try hard to make it easy to read.


And I need to add this one....

Could've is a contraction of the two words could and have. Could of is NOT correct.
Here's another: There is no such word as "prolly" or "probly". The word is, probably. It easy to spell, type, and pronounce.

Unfortunately, people make initial judgments of others by the language we use. In verbal conversations your grammar is key to the first impression others make about you. If you constantly mispronounce words or misuse words, or use a lot of foul language, others can, will, and do form an opinion of you, based on that.

Likewise, in written conversation, such as we have here, people form opinions of others based on comments, on spelling, on the proper use of grammatical skills.

Since written communication is lacking inflection, we rely on punctuation to set the tone of a comment. Exclamation points (!) are used to indicate excitement, surprise, or anger, Question marks (?), naturally indicate a question. Periods are to end a sentence, an abbreviation or a number or letters to itemize a list. Commas (,) are punctuation marks used especially as a mark of separation within the sentence. They have other uses, too.

These are very basic grammatical items that help in conveying your thoughts more clearly to others, reduce the possibilities of misunderstandings, and simply make our written comments much easier to read. The are also extremely easy to use. Periods, commas don't even require using the shift key!

Most older members here use these punctuations regularly. Many younger members don't. It's a matter of preference. That said, it's also a matter of making yourself understood. Especially in longer posts.

I'll admit, when I see a post that isn't punctuated, or is simply a run on sentence for more than 20 words or so, I usually just move on to the next post. I'm simply not going to devote the time to reading, and re-reading the post trying to make sense of it.

I'm not claiming that my reading and understanding anyone's post is important to anyone besides me, but, it's a pretty sure bet that if one person is doing that, others are too.

It's a pity that your comments, opinions, questions, etc. stand the possibility of being ignored simply because you decided that capitalization, punctuation, and decent (not excellent) grammar isn't necessary.
I have four children in school now. Two in the 5th grade & two in the 10th grade. They are now being taught, when typing, to only leave one space at the end of a sentence instead of two. I asked one of their teachers about it and she told me that she didn't like it either but that it was now the accepted way of doing it in college & they were being told to teach children to do it that way. She said it was being done to save space on the paper!
Along the same lines I love the ads that say a car has new breaks. My wife is an English major I can't wait to show her this thread.