Car sale: The one who 1st called, or the 1st who gave the deposit?

This option is the fairest.Just taking money from no#2 and not giving no#1 an the option to buy at no#2s price.I think is wrong but some people don,t have a heart and money is there heart.Seems to me you asking this question you have a heart. Mark

lmao.... has nothing to do with heart. has everything to do with selling something. if the first guy was serious he would have already been there to look at it and with cash in his pocket. seen it too may times. guy has a chance to sell something but is holding on for a guy that says he wants it. then the guy who said he wanted it can't come up with the money or doesn't want it now. so now the seller has to sit on what he is selling for months because he passed up the offer the guy with cash made. not worth it man. you have someone there with cash sell it and don't look back.
You can talk about it all you want.But until the Franklin's come out-you have sold nothing.
Well...guess I'll pile on too. Cash in hand gets the product. You can not buy groceries, gas, parts etc with a phone call/verbal inquiry.

I've lost out the same way, also won with cash in hand.. When there is a car I am interested in, I go out of my way to get there, inspect it, and decide whether to hand over some cash (even a good faith non-refundable deposit). If I decide to wait on looking, then I expect it may not be available on my schedule.

The first one that shows up with the money get it.
This gets shakey though if friends or family is involved.
To quote some famous philosopher, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!"

I've learned the hard way that a lot of people are full of crap when it comes to buying stuff. I've waited hours for people that were "on their way" to buy a car or whatever from me and then simply never show up. I used to bend over backwards to meet people on their schedule. Now, not so much.
Please call the outher guy and tell him that you have a buyer and give him or her the chance! You will fell alot better about it. You must be a great guy or you wouldent be asking about it. Some people do stand by there word!!! Paul
I always say to potential buyer, first one to put cash in my hand wins

Ma Snart


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I use to "do the right thing" and give the first guy the shot. Experience has taught me to take the money when it's there. The first one with the money in my hand gets it.
I have had cars and parts sold before I got there and hold no hard feelings towards the seller. It's the way it is now a days. Things have changed.
Online sales are a little different. I try to give first responder a chance to act. If no response I move on down the line.
I would make a courtesy call to the first guy. "I got a man here with cash money in hand but you said you wanted it...decide now."
The way I see it is if guy #1 agreed to look at it(which in this case is 120 miles away which would have to be planned) and guy #2 showed up before that appointment then you should advise guy#1 and go from there.If no appointment was set then its first come first serve.To me the line starts with the first looker not the first caller.
Sold! To the 2nd guy who offered me the 500 deposit. The 1st guy askin me to wait till March 18 till he is "more free" to see the car. I dont think I should... So went n see the 2nd guy and got the 500 bucks in my pocket :)

This is the car I just sold for $2,000





Will surely be missed but now ii hv more $$ for the Dart :)
There you go.. "please a wait a few weeks until it's convenient to me to come look at it"

Typical tire kicker. A serious party would make the time.

I just bought a combine after being the 1st caller but had to wait a week to drive up to see it. He listed it on craigslist on a Sunday night and I called telling him it was what I wanted and could not go that far during the week to see it. I say the 1st caller because that is how I deal if the description is honest. If I say I am buying it I am.
I agree with everyone else go with the first one with money. Dad had a s-10 on craigslist, first guy calls talks him down $100 but has to line up a trailer, hten calls back his trailer brakes are locked up, calls back again with another excuse, another caller agrees to asking price and says will be down in the morning(200 miles away), Dad calls back the first guy and explains that he got a higher offer and a confirmed time, he was kind of p.o.'d. Just sounded like a tire kicker to me. IF it is a craigslist ad, you will get all kinds of tire kickers, I listed a scooter and one guy kept calling me offering less than my asking price and rudely telling me that he has found one with half of the miles for his offer , finally told him he had better buy that one then.
Call the first guy and tell him to **** or get off the pot, and I mean right now if he stumbles on his BS then sell it to the second guy immediately.
One guy wants to buy, the other wants to buy contingent an inspection (which is may be his way of locking the car up then beating you down on price!)

I'd tell him he has 1 day to get up and look at it or it's being sold to buyer #2. If he wants longer, get a non-refundable deposit for the difference between buyer 1's price and buyer #2. If that doesn't fly, sell to #2.

If You advertised a price with "Or Best Offer" Then give the first guy a call and tell him you've had an offer with deposit , so if interested he has 2 days to see the car and make offer or car will be sold .
All you guys that say cash talks, BS walks...What about the guys here that wait in line for parts in the classified because they were not the first ones to PM, and not jump the line and tell the seller hell take it with money now? Or the seller that tells you, hey you know that part you asked about 15 minutes ago, I just sold it to xxxxx because he already sent me the money"... Thats a double standard if I ever heard of one, and it has ruffled some feathers here too. When someone posts and PM's me about a part, like a question of what it would fit or other general interest question, ie, how much is shipping, and then a guy 4 hours later PM's you and says Ill take it, and you got paypal, is that justice for the first guy who is still interested? I think we are all pretty good about putting each other in line, "ill take it if so and so doesnt or if it falls through.." That is civil. I would be pissed if I asked to come see a car and I get there and the guy is counting the money in a empty driveway, wouldnt you? Seems like the general concensus of this thread goes against an identical post we had here a few weeks ago about seller etiquette, 'first PM has the floor..." ? I had a carb taken out of my hand at a swap meet by the guy who overheard us bargaining. I picked it up, asked how much, he said 40 and the A-hole behind me handed the guy 2 20's before I could even go for my wallet and took the carb right out of my hands. I will never forget that, and that is OK from what I'm reading here? What happened? ;-(
All I am saying is give the first guy the option to buy.He would to give you a yes or no.If he gives you a maybe then the car go,s to the second guy.As I am reading this post there is a lot of you I wouldn,t buy dog crap off of.Money is important but it is not worth your intergrety.Plus the first guy didn,t come up with the money anyway.You did good 1966DartConvertible. Mark
lmao.... has nothing to do with heart. has everything to do with selling something. if the first guy was serious he would have already been there to look at it and with cash in his pocket. seen it too may times. guy has a chance to sell something but is holding on for a guy that says he wants it. then the guy who said he wanted it can't come up with the money or doesn't want it now. so now the seller has to sit on what he is selling for months because he passed up the offer the guy with cash made. not worth it man. you have someone there with cash sell it and don't look back.
When you are selling something like a car, the only person that matters is the one with cash in hand.

I have taken deposits before but I make the buyer sign a statement that the deposit is non refundable and place a limit on the time that full payment must be made. I just sold a camp trailer, the guy gave me a non-refundable deposit and I gave him 3 weeks to get the rest of the money (he needed to get into his IRA).