Car show pictures

I sware i seen that white and red convert camaro at an auction down here in Langley, unless there are a few of them? The one i seen was exactly the same with all the pace car stuff.......
wow that looks amazing. i love car shows cuz you can look at all the cars not just mopars:) that one looks like a really good mix:)
GREAT pics Mike! Sure looks like you had an awful lot of fun and knowing you as nice as the cars were the conversations were probably the best part! Thanks for posting them so we could all share in what looks like an awesome show!
I sware i seen that white and red convert camaro at an auction down here in Langley, unless there are a few of them? The one i seen was exactly the same with all the pace car stuff.......
It could be the same one, they are from Texas I think and it was an old couple there with it.
wow that looks amazing. i love car shows cuz you can look at all the cars not just mopars:) that one looks like a really good mix:)
More X brands but nice cars and the lions club put on another good show for the hearing impaired :thumbup:

GREAT pics Mike! Sure looks like you had an awful lot of fun and knowing you as nice as the cars were the conversations were probably the best part! Thanks for posting them so we could all share in what looks like an awesome show!
Yes I did run into a lot of old friends that has seen me in a gold Plymouth in town. It was well worth $8 buck to have a good time with some old friends that all got a card from PHOENIX SPECIALTY COATINGS :thumbup:
Nothing is better then fellow ship Badawg