Carlisle Bound?????



FABO Vendor
FABO Vendor
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Lakewood, WA
Hi Folks,

I was just talking with Dave a minute ago about the upcoming trip to Carlisle. We will be at the show with our tent set up selling parts.

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend this year's event(due to staff shortages, I will be "holding down the fort" here at the warehouse)...and Dave was wondering if anyone in the Pennsylvania area, or anyone in a local Mopar car club, would be interested in working part-time in our vendor tent.

You would NOT be working for free!!! Dave is willing to give monetary compensation, meals, and very possibly discounts on parts for your efforts.

Basically, he's looking for help on Thursday unloading and setting up from 12noon-around 5pm, Friday from around 9am-5'ish, Saturday from around 9am-6'ish, and Sunday 12noon till the truck is loaded back up. None of these hours are etched in stone, except for Thursday setting up and Sunday tearing down and loading the truck.....and if you were wanting to get out early on Friday or Saturday, that wouldn't be a problem either.

Dave has had local guys help out at the MATS show, Mopars in the Park, and the Spring Fling this year and was very happy with the folks who pitched in!!! He wants to "Thank You" all for your efforts!

If anybody would be interested in this, please PM me on this board or shoot me an email at rick @ laysons . com.

Thanks!!! and I hope everyone attending has a GREAT time!!!!

Not going to Carlisle but wondering if you guys are setting up at the Nationals?
Hi Rick,

If you still need someone when the Fall Fling rolls around - "Will Work for Candy Canes"
I'm kinda glad you posted that.......

EVERYBODY knows that case was complete bullshit to start CONGRATULATIONS there have now officially won the intranet......
I'm kinda glad you posted that.......

EVERYBODY knows that case was complete bullshit to start CONGRATULATIONS there have now officially won the intranet......

lmao... my my, you do get your panties in a bunch fast.. :)

I'll do it providing you buy my plane ticket and motel or atleast a tent would love to see the show. Oh and a promise I wont break out in a sudden case of the cuffs.
thats too bad...a thread that started off asking for help....turns sour.....

where's the aloha?
If I lived closer, I'd help out in a heartbeat. $$$ and free pass to the event :-D
I have worked with Dave at Mopars at the Strip, Spring Fling & Mopars in the Park. I am also scheduled to be in Columbus.

He flew me to the Mopars in the Park show from California to Minnesota & back, took care of the hotel, car & food. Problem at the show was the arranged local help didn't show up but did get a couple of their volunteers to help for a couple of hours with the loading on Sunday. Dave did pay them for their time. I am happy with the arrangements & working conditions. I have met a lot of nice Mopar owners & a few who don't fall into the nice category.
LOL, now now guys.

Rick and Joe, your both good fellas, lets just laff this one off as good fun and a jesting poke.

Moparornocar72; what happened?????

There was a legal issue between Chrysler and the company Rick works for. If you need a part from Laysons, contact Rick and he'll set you up and make sure everything works smoothly and quickly.
Yeah, I'm certainly happy that the Chrysler lawsuit fell apart, that is good news for the restoration industry. ABJoe is probably happy that Rob wolf got a bit of smackdown,too, who knows. Alas, it is history, and Rick@Laysons has proven himself a reliable source of resto parts. Relax. enjoy. move on.
I didnt think any differently just like to be in the "know". If a plane ticket and place to stay was in it I would def. do it. Don't think they would miss me on graveyard shift for one night :)