Cartoon stupidity...



I was born on a Monday. Not last Monday.
FABO Gold Member
Jun 7, 2010
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Family Guy. Never seen an episode. Don't want to. Now I read where they killed of the "dog" and people are "upset" about it. Folks, this right here is some of what is wrong with this country. We should be UPSET about all of our young men and women dying in combat, not over some stupid bullshit made up cartoon crappola. Mindless fools.
I don't watch any of that crap. Refused to let my kids watch any when they were growing up. They send out a real stupid message,specially the original one,can't think of the name right now,but I can see those idiots in my head. Well most of TV is crap anyhow.
Family guy is a great show. Very funny. It's an adult, animated, comedy. Not any worse than some of the crime drama's out there.

Just because someone is upset about an animated bog getting hit by a car, doesn't mean that they stop caring about other, real issues.

I'm sad Brian died. I'm also outraged that we still have kids getting blown up by IED's in the Middle-East, for absolutely no reason at all.

But, yes. I agree. Being upset over this is kind of stupid.
There isnt a whole lot of anything on TV anymore.. And it cost a fortune to have it, I have to have sattilite TV or nothing where I live.. And there is still nothing on it is a shame where it has all gone...Bill
I dropped satellite almost ten years ago, stuck an aerial on the roof and never looked back. It's a hyped up marketed ripoff.
Like George Carlin might say.

Brian's death being announced on the television show as if it were an actual event! I don't give a ****! If I cared about a cartoon dog I would have sent a wreath to his surviving family.
I don't do that, why?, don't give a ****!
No wonder no one takes our country seriously, we waste valuable TV time informing our citizens of the death of an imaginary Dog !
Family guy is a great show. Very funny. It's an adult, animated, comedy. Not any worse than some of the crime drama's out there.

Just because someone is upset about an animated bog getting hit by a car, doesn't mean that they stop caring about other, real issues.

I'm sad Brian died. I'm also outraged that we still have kids getting blown up by IED's in the Middle-East, for absolutely no reason at all.

But, yes. I agree. Being upset over this is kind of stupid.

I agree with this. Family Guy was a hilarious show for many years. It is an adult show that kids should not be watching. I have a hard time staying interested in shows that are on the air for years and years. I haven't watched the show in quite awhile. If you don't like it...don't watch it. Getting upset that people are getting upset over this is just as stupid.
Family Guy. Never seen an episode. Don't want to. Now I read where they killed of the "dog" and people are "upset" about it. Folks, this right here is some of what is wrong with this country. We should be UPSET about all of our young men and women dying in combat, not over some stupid bullshit made up cartoon crappola. Mindless fools.

I could not have said it any better!
Family Guy. Never seen an episode. Don't want to. Now I read where they killed of the "dog" and people are "upset" about it. Folks, this right here is some of what is wrong with this country. We should be UPSET about all of our young men and women dying in combat, not over some stupid bullshit made up cartoon crappola. Mindless fools.

And they vote!

I couldn't agree more, I watched part of one episode and I just can't understand how anyone thinks it's funny or entertaining. Haven't had the desire to watch it since.
I have always gotten a laugh out of stuff like this. Even when I was a kid. Nothing has changed really. Back then it was Mom not being able to miss an episode of Another World or whatever the soap was that she watched. I have always figured that most people lead a very boring life because they have to live their life through characters on TV shows. They just can't understand that unless it is raw footage of an event of some sort, then it isn't real if it's on T.V. Sad Sad Sad

Family guy is a great show. Very funny. It's an adult, animated, comedy. Not any worse than some of the crime drama's out there.

Just because someone is upset about an animated bog getting hit by a car, doesn't mean that they stop caring about other, real issues.

I'm sad Brian died. I'm also outraged that we still have kids getting blown up by IED's in the Middle-East, for absolutely no reason at all.

But, yes. I agree. Being upset over this is kind of stupid.

It's funny to see what gets made fun of and what characters they bring on. The stupidity of the sense of humor isn't and shouldn't judge any of the viewers either!

To each their own.

Posted via Topify on Android
I had an American news channel on the other day and this was all they talked about every few minutes . I don't watch any of these adult cartoons hell a cant even watch the that bart dud
Family Guy. Never seen an episode. Don't want to. Now I read where they killed of the "dog" and people are "upset" about it. Folks, this right here is some of what is wrong with this country. We should be UPSET about all of our young men and women dying in combat, not over some stupid bullshit made up cartoon crappola. Mindless fools.

X 100000000000000000000000000000000

Love that show. If you dont like, Dont watch it. Dont judge others for enjoying it.
With Brian gone the show is doomed !

After all Brian had more sense then the rest of the cast for the most part.

The show is just a bit off the beaten path ... by miles. :)
What a waste of a good dog. Should of sent it to China for food.

How did Seth MacFarlane NOT think of that?! That would have been hilarious.
There are TONS of everyday jokes that come from this show in my daily life. It's funny, and that's all there is to it. I haven't sat down to watch it in quite awhile, and I'm shocked that they killed Brian. It's always going to be Peanut butter jelly time in my house....
Family Guy. Never seen an episode. Don't want to. Now I read where they killed of the "dog" and people are "upset" about it. Folks, this right here is some of what is wrong with this country. We should be UPSET about all of our young men and women dying in combat, not over some stupid bullshit made up cartoon crappola. Mindless fools.

Its a lot easier to not be upset about dying people when you don't know them.

And I do agree that the problems in the world stem from mindless fools getting upset over made up BS.
Don't watch TV. How did it happen?
Never mind.
Stupid question.


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Who's to say that some of the people that are upset arent the same young men and women serving our country ?