Cat 3 headed to upper East Coast?



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2008
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Hempstead, Tx
Looks like the upper east coast could get pretty bad. I watched a older program on History channel earlier called Mega-disaster. Stated if it hits that area at Cat 3 that it could be Catastrophic. Yoos guys getting ready to get the heck out?? Ike ran me from the Gulf Coast!
LOL, yes! This could be bad for us. The "Island" and most of the area north of is not set up for big storms. The Island itself has alot of trees. The old ones or weak one that fall mostly take down power lines. Some towns have the powerlines running through the back yard. (A late 1940's idea. cleans up the look of the streets)
House damage is the flip side. Around me, Oak trees dominate.
Local flooding is also an issue between poor drainage areas and the ocean riseing along with a huge run off. This will flood canals for miles in land.

It is what it is and deal with as allways will be the norm.
we get the hell out before the freeways gridlock. Itsa joke round here! What about all that sea water in the subways and such? Can't be good for utilities either.
Well, batten down the hatches and hold on!!
Not an issue ... well ... most of the time, water main breaks will flood a subway. IDK about super duty storms.
Theres a section of railroad (L.I.R.R.) on the northern/western side of the island that tends to flood out. It's in a hill area were track can rise and fall 40 - 60 feet in a short 1/8 mile or less span.

Theres way to many people to get out. LOL. Consider that in my county there is 3-1/2 million, next county over is 4 mill., then the city which is comprised of 5 counties is somewhere around 10+ mil.

(There is no escape from NY, unless your name is "Snake Pliskin!"

What you normaly see i the movies of NYC is only 1/5 of 1 county. It's ethier a "Mid town" shot or a lower shot of the "finacial district/battery park"
This can not be good for any state, This is a big storm and I am watching it as it moves north, Yall keep a close eye out and prepare for anything, power lose and grid lock
failed phone and cell phone towers, stock up on food water and everything or bug out with clothing, tent, food and water if you feel like this will continue to get worse.
I hope it makes a hard east bond turn right away.


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After 42 years here on the Texas Gulf Coast I have seen it first hand! Don't jack around, pack up and get the heck out! Shame it didn't come here! We REALLY need the rain.
First a 5.9 quake and i was workin on my new exhaust under my duster. Thought somebody was jumpin around inside the car. Now we are dealing with this hurricane. Looks like our camper down the beach in lower delaware is goin 2 get nailed. We live in northern del. N they r sayin we might get 80mph winds inland. Hope the insurance covers
oh yea gettin a good thunderstorm now.
Yeah it's going to be a bad one last night on the news they said it will be a Cat 4 storm when it skims hits SC and skims us in NC. The ones that will get the hard will be all of y'all farther North. They have already started evacuating our island and coast line here.
I live in the hills on the west side of NJ and I'm hoping it just slides past us. I changed the oil in the generator and ran it for a while. I'll get gas tomorrow and I guess hunker down for the storm. I'll probably lose power and maybe phone. We have a lot of old oaks here.
Thanks 4 the reminder robbie, gotta get my generator out now. Watch out 4 those oaks. All we have are swamp maples around us. Good luck bud!
We have a state of emergency startin tomorrow. Evacuation down the beach. Glad the gen. Started rite up. Thanks dart doc!
I got a load headed up to New Hampshire monday morning. Hope most of the storm is out of here by then.