Cat Pics

If I would catch the f'n lowlifes their family would never see them again.
A little bit of good news from Frankie’s.

This cat has been through so much but still seems to enjoy life and the people that have helped him. Rumor has it he was thrown into a fire. Rewards have increased.

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Poor guy.

Speedy recovery to you, sir.
Big foot and Moe. Both are city cat rescue.
Big foot us 6. Moe is the old man 18.




Just in case you thought I only had 1. J J . Short for Johny Junk. AKA Jensen's Auto Salvage, or John Jensen. J J,1of very few survivors, before the "clean up". He's only 19.3 lbs. today at 15 years old.

My neighbours cat is 19 yrs old, she told me the other day she had to rush him to the vet, she said she thought that was it but this old black cat with three legs bounced back and is doing better
I fed the cat while she was on a short vacation, my neighbour told me I wouldn't see the cat as he would hide
I was fixing his food and sure enough I spotted him watching me, peeking around a doorway
I put his food down and filled his water bowl and he was good to go
My neighbours cat is 19 yrs old, she told me the other day she had to rush him to the vet, she said she thought that was it but this old black cat with three legs bounced back and is doing better
I fed the cat while she was on a short vacation, my neighbour told me I wouldn't see the cat as he would hide
I was fixing his food and sure enough I spotted him watching me, peeking around a doorway
I put his food down and filled his water bowl and he was good to go
My Dad had a cat like that total feral except for him.
Dad went in the hospital, and Iwould go to feed Bright eyes.
In a week's time I would put out food and clean water everyday for a week. Never saw the cat till the day I brought my dad home LOL.
New residents of kittenarium room-


We believe born on the 8th.

From feral colony that hasn't had a new kitten in 5 years before someone(s) dumped about 5 new cats there at the beginning of the year.

One cat already had kittens and only one survived.

The people who feed them when they can afford it and who's house the generally stay at or near are having health issues.

We learned of these the day after we took our last guest cat to SPCA so they could market her to their much larger audience, as she needs to be in a one cat or FeLV positive car home. If no one gets her in a few months, we'll go get her back.


This new mom is SUPER friendly, clean and flea free. Not at all what I expected.


My male cat Topaz sitting/waiting next to my recently past cat Copper’s urn. He’s been looking for her ever since she passed away.

Charley playing hide and seek. If he can't see you, you can't see him! :lol:


I didn’t post the pictures I had from the day they took him in. I was sure he was going to be blind and never have a good life. I’m glad I was wrong. You wouldn’t want to see the pictures.