cat whiskers on early A's. pics please



Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
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Eureka,Ca Humboldt
i was thinking about getting the old grandma kinda look with the curb indacators i think they look cool on like 70's caddys and cutless's but ive never seen them on a mopar was wondering if anyone has them on theres that they could show a pic of im wondering how it would look thanks.
lol i think they kinda give a sleeper look like its to nice to race lol dam i was hoping someone out of 12,000 would havem on
I remember the curb feelers were usually found on Electra 225's and Caddy's because of the size of those cars, they were difficult to park. People usually didn't put curb feelers on 'compact' cars as our a-bodies were considered back in the '60's.
yea well nowa days parking my car is a bit diffrent then my grandmas ford contour i just kinda like the look but ive never seenem on anything but huge boats except i found a pic of like a saturn with them
...and remember, they are only on the passenger side. Funny enough, my dad and I were just joking about my grandfather always having these on his cars. He loved the 'feelers...

back in the 60s big cars got big hubcaps. Composition hubcaps made of 3 or more pieces and weighing pounds. So heavy infact that there were balanced from the factory. Remember this was before any retainers or locks like we saw on heavy caps in the 80s.
If you banged one of those heavy hubcaps on a curb and bent it you could just about plan on loosing it. Run away hubcaps were fairly common in those days. That is what prompted the use of curb finders.
Anyone remember the little anti theft cables that attached with a washer under a lug nut ? Ever seen the damage a loose cap would do to a body panel where those cables were installed ?
they only go on the pass side alright i didnt know that. but i guess there is no use in parking ther wrong way lol. well u guys are gonna see a abody granny car with feelers when i get some bucks
The way I see it, it's your car, do what you like. If all our cars looked the same, it would make a truly boring cruise in. 8)