Catching oil leaks



Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2010
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Ocean Springs Mississippi
I know the best thing to do is fix leaks, but invariably I am going to have some kind of fluid hit my brand new concrete in my garage. Does anyone have something that is more permanent than the cardboard that I am using.
A real man's garage floor has oil stains, paint stains, and cigarette butts kicked in the corners.

A clean garage is a sign that somebody else does the "real work" on your car.
Just get it over with and dump the dirty oil on it. You know it is going to happen anyway.
I worked at a shop on an Air Force base where We had to make sure a bay was clean before we released the mechanic. They used a fair share of oil dry. They never questioned the policy, and I kind of adopted it at my house. If I am being judged by a clean floor, I will not even tell you whether my tools are clean or not.