Catfish noodling

If you get a license, legal to catch gators.
True story in North Fl:

A buddy at work finally hit the lottery and got his license. But he wanted to first see how experienced hunters did it, so he hooked up with another guy from work. Husband, wife, and son and go hunt.
So they sneak up on 2 gators, each time the wife throws the harpoon too gentle, and it bounces off both gators. Husband and son make fun of her, piss her off so she is finished trying. Now it is the son's turn. He doesn't want to wimp throw like his mother.
He is on the bow of that Jon boat, and throws the harpoon so hard that he falls out of the boat, and lands on top of a 13' gator.
My bud said it was scary; then all of the sudden, the son pops up on the side of the boat, and almost capsizes it, climbing in.
He goes to the stern, pops a beer, lights a cig, and silence. Then more beers and cigs; after 1/2 hour of moving to a different spot, they ask, "you ok?"
His response was "I'm done" Asked what did that mean, he said "ain't ever doing this again".