


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2009
Reaction score
Cincinnati, OH
Am I alone or am I the only one who doesn't give to charity over the phone.
I keep getting cold calls from different charity's wanting donations.
I truly don't mind giving to some of the charity's, I just don't trust these cold callers.
I never give to charities over the phone. You don't know who you really are dealing with.
xs2...unless i can verify that the "charity" is really legit then i dont contribute. and with the way people are scamming these days, i dont any way. its not like i have money to go tossing around to people that i dont know, especially over the phone or the net. my 0.02 cent
Also I learned it is important to research any charity, to be sure they run properly. I was surprised to discover one charity was merely a funnel into a particular church. There are good charities out there, you just have make sure you know whom you are dealing with.
the best charities to give to are found right in your community "feed the staving kids in Africa" I'm sorry folks but you should be thinking about first are the starving in your own community there the ones you see everyday that may not ask for help, these types have actual people running them
the best charities to give to are found right in your community "feed the staving kids in africa" i'm sorry folks but you should be thinking about first are the starving in your own community there the ones you see everyday that may not ask for help, these types have actual people running them

No charity over the phone from this house. We have been getting a bi-weekly call from the Fraternal order of Police lately.
I use, they give you all the financials, tell you whether a particular charity will give/sell your name to other charities, how much the CEO gets paid and how efficient they are with the money you donate. It's free although they ask if you would like to donate to help keep their data base current. Mail/internet is the best way since you can check them out first and you don't feel pressured.
That's a neat site. kinda of confirmed what I already experienced about 1 charity. YWCA won't give them a nickel. Ex-wife went to them when we we getting divorced for a free lawyer. What they did instead is had her tell CPS I was sexually abusing my son. Over a year, several interviews with my son and nearly $10K in legal fees later I found all this out.
the best charities to give to are found right in your community "feed the staving kids in Africa" I'm sorry folks but you should be thinking about first are the starving in your own community there the ones you see everyday that may not ask for help, these types have actual people running them
AAAAAAmen . . . same here, keep it home
the best charities to give to are found right in your community "feed the staving kids in Africa" I'm sorry folks but you should be thinking about first are the starving in your own community there the ones you see everyday that may not ask for help, these types have actual people running them

I would though, like to send those starving Africans some condoms.