Check out this exhaust!



Too many projects
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Vancouver Island, Canada
Saw this last weekend in Vancouver. Pretty sweeeeeet huh ;) You could tell the guy felt like a bad *** too, with the expression on his face.



I'd hate to trip over that mess in a parking lot, but I give him points for originality
I wonder if it makes a burbling sound as it fills up with rain water...........LOL!
The style is called "bozo zuko"


It's basically over the top Japanese car "art".. lol @ Canadians copying it.
I think its so you definetly know you fried your rings and its not the guy next to you!
This is the next new phase of stupidness I have to live through?????

Oh dear Lord! The aliens HAVE landed!!!!!!!!
I might have to start keeping a bucket of golf balls in my truck in case I come across one of these abominations
I wonder if any one has stuck a potato in them yet?? Sort of an improvised spud gun......or what was that cheese that people used to talk about stuffing in tail pipes, limburger or something like that..... all he needs is a motor big enuff to take advantage of the 'improved' exhaust flow.

Sorta like putting top fuel zoomies on a lawn mower.
I kind of thought it was missing about six pipes. I also think Fugitive II Corvette beat the Japs to it.

Gotta get me some of those for the 'Cuda

I would be the talk of the next cruise think

WTF are people thinking, I kinda wish I was back in the 60's
Saw this one in Surrey yesterday:smile:


There are more problems with that jeep than just that exhaust. The front and rear tires are a completely different size so if he puts it in 4wd he will tear up on of the diffs.