Check this out and tell me what you think it is



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2012
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Northwest Oregon
I bid and won another storage locker last month. It was a 10 x20 unit, got it for $100. The renter had been paying on this unit for at least 15 years according to the landlord.

Anyway, two trips to the dump, two loads to Goodwill, and a few boxes of stuff for my wife to sell in her shop. Among the few things I found to keep for myself, was this petrified looking TOOTH! I have no idea what it is from. Dinosaur? Great white shark? Here is a picture, I'm holding it so you can get an idea of scale / size. Any ideas what this is?


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If I'm not mistaken that could be a petrified Megalodon Shark tooth.
If it's real it could be millions of years old.

Yep, that's what it is.
This one is 7 inches long, but they get a lot bigger too.


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Ya, I think you guys are right. I 'Googled' it and found lots of different pictures of "megaladon" teeth. Wow, it's cool to have. According to what I read, it's WAY bigger than a great white shark.
I bid and won another storage locker last month. It was a 10 x20 unit, got it for $100. The renter had been paying on this unit for at least 15 years according to the landlord.

Anyway, two trips to the dump, two loads to Goodwill, and a few boxes of stuff for my wife to sell in her shop. Among the few things I found to keep for myself, was this petrified looking TOOTH! I have no idea what it is from. Dinosaur? Great white shark? Here is a picture, I'm holding it so you can get an idea of scale / size. Any ideas what this is?

How long is that tooth, just out of curiosity? Judging from the picture, maybe 4-5 inches?
That might be worth some jack.
Ya, I think you guys are right. I 'Googled' it and found lots of different pictures of "megaladon" teeth. Wow, it's cool to have. According to what I read, it's WAY bigger than a great white shark.

As far as we know the Megalodon shark species went extinct 1.6 million years ago, and were approx 16-20 meter long. (50 feet) or so average.
They were 3 times bigger than a great white.


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Look like people are asking anywhere from 50 to 200 bucks. Looks like you might make some money off it!
To put in easier terms next time your driving on the freeway look at a semi truck and trailer, just picture a great white the length and size of the semi truck and trailer and you get what a megalodon look liked.
To put in easier terms next time your driving on the freeway look at a semi truck and trailer, just picture a great white the length and size of the semi truck and trailer and you get what a megalodon look liked.

That's a lotta shark meat.
That kick it up a notch on shark week! Put it on a necklace & wear it like the croc guys do! Ha'
When I get home tonight I will post up a different item from the same storage locker... Let me know what you think of it as well..
Ya, I think you guys are right. I 'Googled' it and found lots of different pictures of "megaladon" teeth. Wow, it's cool to have. According to what I read, it's WAY bigger than a great white shark.

Put that bad boy under your pillow, and see what the tooth fairy leaves you.
Put that bad boy under your pillow, and see what the tooth fairy leaves you.

Ha ha ha!

Okay, here something else I got from the storage locker. I think it is real, but not sure. What do you think?


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It says "Ed Jones & Co, Oakland, Cal, Sterling

It's a retail item from the Oakland PD's mechandise page that can be ordered online here,

Just a suggestion if I may and you don't already.
If you are buying storage lockers or anything similar, it would benefit you greatly to use Google to find out what you have.
You could end up selling something for practicaly nothing that could be worth a lot.
I bid and won another storage locker last month. It was a 10 x20 unit, got it for $100. The renter had been paying on this unit for at least 15 years according to the landlord.

Anyway, two trips to the dump, two loads to Goodwill, and a few boxes of stuff for my wife to sell in her shop. Among the few things I found to keep for myself, was this petrified looking TOOTH! I have no idea what it is from. Dinosaur? Great white shark? Here is a picture, I'm holding it so you can get an idea of scale / size. Any ideas what this is?

That's one of Rosie O'donnels baby teefff:blob:
It's a retail item from the Oakland PD's mechandise page that can be ordered online here,

Just a suggestion if I may and you don't already.
If you are buying storage lockers or anything similar, it would benefit you greatly to use Google to find out what you have.
You could end up selling something for practicaly nothing that could be worth a lot.

TB, I carefully searched the site you linked above, I couldn't find anything even remotely similar to this badge. They only sell novelty items, buttons, for like under $10, but this badge is huge in comparison, and it's sterling silver.

I found info on the web searches I did that indicated that there are a lot of fakes, replicas out there, so I'm trying to figure out if mine is real or not. If you were holding it in your hand, you can feel the weight of it, it's very well made, and solid sterling silver (I believe)

I usually do a fair amount of Google searching, like you suggested :) but that giant tooth sorta caught me off guard. I didn't do any searches until after it was posted that it was a shark tooth.

So, any opinions on this badge? Reproduction? Fake? Authentic? It certainly appears to have the genuine 'patina' of an antique badge.


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That is a police officer's badge from the mid 1920s. Pretty rough but people seem to love them.

As for the Megladon tooth, they aren't rare but once again, people love to buy them.
TB, I carefully searched the site you linked above, I couldn't find anything even remotely similar to this badge. They only sell novelty items, buttons, for like under $10, but this badge is huge in comparison, and it's sterling silver.

I found info on the web searches I did that indicated that there are a lot of fakes, replicas out there, so I'm trying to figure out if mine is real or not. If you were holding it in your hand, you can feel the weight of it, it's very well made, and solid sterling silver (I believe)

I usually do a fair amount of Google searching, like you suggested :) but that giant tooth sorta caught me off guard. I didn't do any searches until after it was posted that it was a shark tooth.

So, any opinions on this badge? Reproduction? Fake? Authentic? It certainly appears to have the genuine 'patina' of an antique badge.

I didn't want to post what I found because it was a PDF, and this site loads the entire document.
It is an Edward Jones order form, but it also says at the bottom of the page to make sure your badge number is correct.
Maybe they also make legit officer's badges?

It looks to me like they sell a few different items that include charmes and such, but at least your badge is one of the more expensive items. :D

I tried to link it in this post but it wouldn't load.
Try a Google search for this exactly and you should find the PDF order form about 3-4 results down the list.

Ed Jones & Co, Oakland, Cal