Choices choices, the thread that will not die!

Which should I go with?

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I know I have to watch my six now. Its all in fun for the other that don't know us.
A NOVA is a Nova is a Nova. Color doesn't matter.
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Every time I try to spend time here I get reminded why I don't......comparing an election to a car forum....thinking I am me...if I got mad I would end up getting banned...
Need to figure out how to add folks to my ignore list with the new software...
well - if you can't take the heat... I thought the comparison was kinda "tongue-in-cheek" and up to the moment funny (which, BTW - was the intent of this ENTIRE thread) -- um, you're entitled to your opinion and others are entitled to disagree with it - long live free speech. I don't see where anyone accused you of being, or thinks that you are, mad.. come on man, we're just F-ing around here..
It's funny $hit like this that keeps me coming back...waiting to see what happens next :D
M3, you have a baddass car. leave it like it is! :thumbsup: I know you will, all in fun, right?:usflag:
Every time I try to spend time here I get reminded why I don't......comparing an election to a car forum....thinking I am me...if I got mad I would end up getting banned...
Need to figure out how to add folks to my ignore list with the new software...

It was only a reference to having to make a choice of the lesser evils Doug, nothing more.
can't let die a nice peaceful bye-bye... fade into page 22 and go away... nope, gotta poke at it - - :rofl:fuckers
I think its awesome the way it is. The only thing I would change is the hood.
what is wrong with pink cars?? I am paint one maybe two of mine in FM3 Pink

cant believe I just saw this thread now