Choose One...



Cool Member
Dec 29, 2006
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
Which of these two color schemes would you prefer if they were the only ones yo could choose...the black and chrome or the white and black one...cant decide I just like them both a lot...maybe the white a lil less because the chrome wont show as much but the white a lil more because its a lil different than the usual....dang it. lol help! :scratch:


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I'm tired....If your taking about the whole car :scratch: Black and chrome, but it's a ***** colour to keep clean.
If it is a driver....................WHITE.

Unless you really love to wash it all the time.
I have owed 1 black challenger and I will never go back
Go with an off white not a white white.
Unless you're going to spend some $$ to have a skilled body man do the body work, do not go with black. Doesn't matter how good the painter is, if the body man does a crap job, then a black car will look like crap.

If you spend the $$ for a good body man and go with black, then be prepared to wash and wax your black car almost everytime before you go cruising. A black car will show everything (dust, fine scratches, etc) but will look amazing when clean and scratch free.

i am with the majority here too Germz....

white/off white will be a better for most "body work needed" cars...

from one beat black car owner,
blind :glasses1:
I agree with white/red stripe. This is an awesome loooking combination. My other favorite combination is silver/black stripe. I had a 72 Dart that was a dark silver, almost gray, and it got more compliments than any other car I have ever owned.
They are both stunning and I love both if done correctly. Street car white. Less driven car Black, because of the high maintenance. Great bodywork -- black car, less than great bodywork -- white car.
Thanks fellaz! Seems like most of you guys are liking the white...the reason Im having a hard time choosing is mostly because im really indecicive hehe, my cars body isnt too bad...its pretty straight (except the rear left panel)

I think im going with white unless someone else convinces me black is better...i like the mean look in a black and chrome car, but we go again i just confused my self again lol hmmmm black white black white...
My 71 is either going to be white with a black stripe of silver with a black stripe.

The interior is already white.