Christmas toys you'll never see again

those Encyclopedias. They were a prized family possession and a rare luxury that my Father sacrificed money on to help educate me and my 3 sisters.

Yep. Usually sold by a door-to-door salesman, like so many things back in the day. Always included a payment plan. We had the "World Book" set, including the dictionaries (2), and the interactive teaching guide, as well as the complete "Childcraft" set. My mom was all in.
Who remembers the real M-80’s?

My best friend had one so we through it onto the 2nd hole putting green of the golf course across the street from our summer vacation homes. We expected to place a big crater in the green near the flagpole, but only heard a big bang and had a difficult time even trying to find a small divot in the grass.
My Mom worked for Kenner Toys.
She would bring home toys, we would play with them, and then they would disappear.
Looking back, it kinda sucked that happened.
It turns out, me and my brother were unknowing test subjects. We had Star Wars toys before we even knew what Star Wars even was. SSP's, and Stretch Armstrong. The Stretch Armstrong we had for awhile. Mom said it was because the company really wanted us to rip it open. We also got variants of Stretch Armstrong. There was a green alien and a monkey. There was also some smaller versions of Stretch.
But one of the things I really remember getting for Christmas, was the Big Wheels we got one year.
My brother and I rode those things all over the neighborhood. If a kid rode around like we did, child protection would be up your butt!
A kid in our neighborhood drove his Big Wheel into the swimming pool and drowned. I think it had a seat belt which prevented him from escaping (not positive). A sad event back then.
A kid in our neighborhood drove his Big Wheel into the swimming pool and drowned. I think it had a seat belt which prevented him from escaping (not positive). A sad event back then.

Big Wheels never had a seat belt.
I got this for Christmas when I was 5 yrs old. I had completely forgotten it until my mom asked, "Do you think maybe that toy car dash you had inspired your interest in instrument panels?".
A few weeks later I bought myself another. Almost ten times what she paid when new. Dont have a pic of mine on this hard drive so I grabbed a pic off google images.

Here's one of my favorites from years ago...


Girders and beams snapped together and were then "skinned" with various style panels to build all sorts of buildings. The cool feature was they wouldn't fall apart if you bumped into them.
Originally manufactured and marketed by Kenner, they did disappear for awhile but then brought back from about 2005-2016 by Bridgestreet Toys. Unfortunately, now gone again.

Here's another that my cousin had...


Sure, let kids fool around with almost-molten plastic to make things. Not gonna happen now.
Too bad. We sure had a lot of fun making things back custom parts for our model cars!
Here's another of my favorites from years past...


I liked my American Logs much better than my friends Lincoln Logs (Lincoln Logs are still around) because the square-hewn American Logs buildings were more stable.
I had the Aurora AFX 24 hours of LeMans set with the glow-in-the-dark guard rails and cars with lighted headlights. Was great fun to play with in the darkeness of my bedroom with the lights out.
Aurora AFX 24 hours of LeMans.

I still have the Johnny Express complete set & TYCO pro race track & cars. I still remember the Christmas morning when I unwrapped the Johnny Express ! That was one of my favorites along with all my Army stuff, I was a big Rat Patrol fan !
I still have the Johnny Express complete set & TYCO pro race track & cars. I still remember the Christmas morning when I unwrapped the Johnny Express ! That was one of my favorites along with all my Army stuff, I was a big Rat Patrol fan !
I have the complete Rat Patrol boxed set on dvd.