chrome vendors



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island N.Y.
I'm in the final process of doing my 1968 fastback and need some parts chromed.I'mlooking for places that are reasonable (HA!HA! )right, any way I found a place called CHROMABONITO and was woundering it anyone has used them or heard anything about them? They said bumpers are $200.00 tripple chromed and that they redo trim panels also.Thanks for any help

i am doing it soon as well, and would like to hear feedback about various places and their experiences. enlighten us both.
200, maybe for a driver. I paid about 350 each from Tri City plating in TN. I actually went to there shop to pick them up. After I saw the actuall process and what it takes to make a show chrome bumper when I was done writing the check I asked if he needed any more money.

If you have never seen the process for yourself you will NEVER get the idea of what goes into it. I thought hey "they dip it strip it rechrome it" any monkey can do that.

Nope, after I saw these pour fellas sweating there *** off grinding and hammering, and lead soldering all day I had a good appriciation for the work, especially the dipping and stripping, they all had healthy kids but I can't see how with all that crap.

I never got a good deal from them or anything paid my money like anyone else but I would be a spokesman anyday!! Its just amazing the process. Its a family run buisness from 3 generations. When I was there and I asked the Old codger how did you know what kind of bumpers and guards were on a 64 Barracuda. After he put down his cigar, in an old ruff voice he said, "I git me one of them damn grandkids o my sons and show dem the book, den I get em out back and go to duh pile" I asked what pile? He brought me out back to 3 giant piles of bumpers, about 20 feet high and 30 feet in diameter. Bascally the kids go through the piles every day looking for what needs to be recromed. When He said your order is over here my name was on 2 neatly wrapped bumpers in brown paper, along with about 250 others, racks and racks of orders. There are about 30 or so of workers, wish I would have took pictures.

Oh yeah I just ordered bumpers for my latest project a 77 Truck.
Just remember that with chrome you get what you pay for. My buddy runs the chrome shop for a large chrome/powdercoating shop in Seattle and even with a buddy discount it cost 700 bucks for the front and rear on my dads 50 dodge custom and thats not counting the grill teeth.
200 bucks for a bumper just makes me think of an older pair of Craiger wheels with the chrome flaking off 6 months after you get them or a set of those chrome valve covers on ebay for 20 bucks.

