Chrysler Carlisle 2024 where ya at?

Hoppy. So do I ask the Indian person with the welding helmet to do a rain dance or a sun dance.
I'm here. The bad weather is supposed to go to the north of the venue. Lets hope so.
Just remember though, if it's raining, I'm not cutting keys.
The water and electricity thing is bad for pacemakers.
Hey guys- my first year at Chrysler Carlisle drove the duster out will be registering tomorrow morning and parking in the show field- black 73’ white stripes- stop by and say hey.

Is there a FABO tent anywhere to meet people?
Well we dodged the bullet today. We had some heavy rain at the hotel in Shippensburg last night, but I think that it missed the fair grounds. Today it was cloudy/overcast but never had any rain all day and the temps were actually not bad at all. This compared to Tuesday when it was over 100 degrees in Harrisburg (yikes!). Looks like some rain tomorrow and Saturday is supposed to be in the 90s.
I'm here. The bad weather is supposed to go to the north of the venue. Lets hope so.
Just remember though, if it's raining, I'm not cutting keys.
The water and electricity thing is bad for pacemakers.
Great meeting you today, appreciate the keys they work great! I’m coming by tomorrow for another set haha
Great weather so far…Looking HOT today….Hope everyone has a great Carlisle…Swingn’

I had a great time today! Nice to meet several FABO and FBBO guys! Thanks for the luncheon Hawk!