clutch pedal assembly

Clutch pedal is the same...brake pedal is different. It will work, but it won't be correct.
To begin with, the part number. '73 is a strange year for the brake pedal. There are two types, and they do NOT interchange. One is offset, and the other is centerset. You will know if you have a centerset pedal assembly. Also in the standard assembly there were two types...early and late. In the later assemblies, the arm that the metal pedal is welded to, is turned so it is flat where it welds to the pedal. In other words, if you look straight down at the pedal from the drivers seat, you will see the edge of the arm twisted 90 degrees just before the pedal. This is on 340 pedal assemblies, and some 318 pedal assemblies. I can take a pic if you need it.
outsider these are the pedals i have are they ok ?

73-76 have a curved brake pedal, but will bolt right in and work in 67-72 cars. Most will never know the difference. Anyone ever seen pedals from a 340 car? They have extra bracing around the over-center spring.
73-76 have a curved brake pedal, but will bolt right in and work in 67-72 cars. Most will never know the difference. Anyone ever seen pedals from a 340 car? They have extra bracing around the over-center spring.

You know the part about the extra side brace on 4 speed 340 cars is sort of funny.That was published in the Mopar Muscle treasure hunt series on identifing clutch pedals. I was like you and thought that ALL 340 cars had that brace on the overcenter spring, but as of late I have pulled a couple sets of A-body pedals from factory 340 4 speed cars in junk yards that did not have it. The last set was from a 340 4speed 70 dart swinger, and i am sure it was the pedals the car left the factory with. So I guess its like everything else some cars got whatever was handy.