coil spring blues



Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
Marblehead Ohio
Motor was out of my car for years...finally rebuilt and installed it and my springs are sits pretty high.Any suggestions besides replacing the needs to come down 2-3 inches or so.To add to it,it was an air cond car and that was removed also.


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Coils or T bars? If there T bars I would try and adjust them. Also may take some time to settle. Drive it a little first.
Did you mess with the T bars any? I know any time I lift my car it sits like that in the front end till I drive it some then it settles back down.
I would drive it some. Then if it is still not where you want it, adjust T bars. Then drive and recheck. Do that till it is where you want it. If you adjust the T bars much at all your going to want the alignment checked.
Drive it around a bit before adjusting it. It may need to settle.
..............U should not have to adj the T bars if nothing was done to it while the motor was mentioned, it needs time to settle
As Kimmer said, don't change anything until you drive it some. If the car sat correctly before the drive train was pulled, it will settle back to that ride height after a short period of time. My suggestion, if you don't know what you are doing is, get with someone who has some experience and let them give you some pointers. If you lower the car before the t-bars have settled, they will settle even more and then the nose droops. As someone else said, if you change the height it is a good idea to have the alignment checked. Just my .02
Only deal that may require a change is removing a bunch of weight from the front of your car. You mention AC, maybe a alum intake, headers, etc all pull lbs.