Cold air coming in



Nov 8, 2021
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My 74 318 dart is my daily driver. I go to work at 7:00 am and it's been 16 to 20 degrees Fahrenheit. I've got heat coming out of the defrost and it's pretty warm when I take off but within 5 mins of driving it's freezing inside the car. The heat is still coming out the defrost but it's like the window is down. It's a special edition and has a ton of insulation everywhere. There is a door on the passenger side heater plenum. I can stick my arm in and feel it goes up to the cowl panel through a hole about 4 or 5 inches in diameter. Am I getting too much air through the cowl panel? Can I close off the passage to the cowl and leave the door open on the plenum to recirculate the heat or am I missing something?
LOL You need a latch on that vent door! It needs to be closed. Outside air comes in through there. Bucket loads!
As long as the doors are closed no air can come in. Many overlook this cold air flow right through the steering column. Sounds like your plastic column shield came off. Notice the one picture the column doesn't have the plastic on where the diamond holes are exposed. This air will hit you right between your legs. especially if the foam seal is gone at the bottom.






As stated, the doors on both sides need closed and latched. I also seem to think there is a foam seal on the door?

My latch is loose so on the drivers side so as I drive the door opens by itself.
As long as the doors are closed no air can come in. Many overlook this cold air flow right through the steering column. Sounds like your plastic column shield came off. Notice the one picture the column doesn't have the plastic on where the diamond holes are exposed. This air will hit you right between your legs. especially if the foam seal is gone at the bottom.

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And heat in the summer time. My 66 was like a blast furnace until I rebuilt the column.
Can I close off the passage to the cowl and leave the door open on the plenum to recirculate the heat or am I missing something
That is clever! And it would work!

I have seen some clever cowl covers. Clear bra is probably the easiest.

Your car MIGHT have a valve that stops the flow of hot water???

Or the heat door is not opening correctly or enough.

You say you have heat for about 5 minutes but it gets too cold in the car while driving but have heat from the defroster. What kind of airflow do you have?

Have you measured the temp of the air?

Do you know if your diverter door is working correctly?

When the controls are in "Def" little to no air will be coming from the floor vents.

Another thing could be the engine thermostat. If it is too cold the car might never heat up properly. Just had that issue on my Jeep GC. and an old Chevy I had.

There could be debris blocking the air flow through the heater core, or debris in the heater core.

My convertible 67 dart. With the top up and in 20 deg weather here in Northern co has no problem heating up the inside of the car. I also remember as a kid riding in the car never feeling cold.

I think you have some detective work in order.
The blend door may not be closing all the way. U can reach in the pass vent door to feel if it is clised all the way. Sometimes the cable bends a bit and won’t close the blend door all the way. Or u may have a partially plugged heater core. U can try flushing the core or even the whole cooling system. What temperature does the motor run at. Kim