Coldest weather this winter is on the way.



Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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Man, I wish this global warming thing would stop. The last few days in Denver it's been nice but all that's changing. The temp is suppose to drop to the single digits by tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night it's going to be 9 below. Tuesday night it drops to 18 below. So all you guys east of here better get ready.
Like my Dad used to say "It's raining in the west and clear in the east, the rain in the west is moving to the east".

Come on summer......................
I know it was 67 degrees and sunny here today. Why do we get this taste of warmth only to be put into the deep freeze again?
- 34 here right now. That's about -30 for you. We just had another dump of snow with drifting, and the hydraulics on the tractor are froze up so no plowing till it warms up considerably.

And I think we can just go with ' climate change ' and forget the ' global warming ' bullshit .
-35 celsius here in Saskatoon and thats without a windchill. Obviously climate change experts have never been to the great white north.
Just north of us "about 100 miles" Near Small Blocks they could get some ice storms.
I must say I have enjoyed the last few days of sun shine and 55 to 65 wether
We will be back in the mid 30F by Wednesday and lows at night in the high teens.

Well it was nice while it lasted, but looks like we are going to be back to rain, snow and ice next week here in Northeast Arkansas. But hay, it's February and I hope the middle of mach brings us back to spring temps, Time to get my dirt worked up for a real garden this year.
They are calling for 12-15 inches of snow here in KC starting tomorrow. Then 20-40 mph winds and bitter temps for the rest of the week!!
-35 celsius here in Saskatoon and thats without a windchill. Obviously climate change experts have never been to the great white north.

There is no dispute among climate scientists about whether or not global warming is happening. The debate is whether or not climate change/global warming is being caused and/or accelerated by human activities.
global warming for sure here in Denver. Just when I was starting to like the "mild" winter we have been having.
An absolutely balmy morning here, 15F with about 1/2" of ice accumulation so far, with more ice and snow on the way today and tonight.

But, I'll take this over hurricanes and tornados and insects that you get in other parts of the country.
Well, it warmed up to -35C (-31F) here this morning, but there's a little wind which puts it at -40 (C or F) with the wind chill factor. My Lab had to keep dragging her butt forward in the snow so she didn't freeze to the ground. :)
It's -34 here this morning, and with the wind chill it's almost -40. Perfectly clear skies.
I pity the poor fool that didn't plug in their vehicle last night!
It's 45 degrees in the shade here and windy brrr.... I don't know if I want to out to the garage to install spark plugs. Anybody else in Socal suffering through this cold wave? Just kiddin! I feel for you folks in the cold. Weelll if it makes you feel any better, we have to go through 3 months of sometimes 100 to 120 degree weather in the summer.
It's -34 here this morning, and with the wind chill it's almost -40. Perfectly clear skies.
I pity the poor fool that didn't plug in their vehicle last night!

I don't know how you guys in the arctic north do it!!!!! I'm not yet ready for the forecasted -19 Tuesday night.
Yep, I don't know how people up north can put up with those temps, I can barely stand our 2-3 weeks of being in an icebox in Colorado.
Calling for two blizzards here in Wisconsin... I said the heck with it and bought this today.


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Too cold for a garden tiller, what's that thing sticking up off the top?

Just kidding, but I have NEVER seen a snowblower in the flesh. I want to keep it that way.
I was walking the dog this weekend and it was -49 with the wind chill...I'm gettin too old for this crap :hmph: