Column shift auto to 4 speed?



Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2015
Reaction score
Mid Atlantic
Can the inner shift sleeve be removed from an auto column shift car? My friend has part of a 4 speed column, the top. The plan is to slide out the shift sleeve and install the top to convert the column. I tried the search but I didn't get good results.
Yes you can.
EDIT : It is best to remove the column and disassemble.
If I remember the tube will come out the steering box end.
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Can the inner shift sleeve be removed from an auto column shift car? My friend has part of a 4 speed column, the top. The plan is to slide out the shift sleeve and install the top to convert the column. I tried the search but I didn't get good results.
Depends on the years of the donor and recipient. If the same year, yes, you can swap parts to convert from column shift to floor shift.
When I converted my column, I found a floor shift steering column from a mid-eighties truck to rob the collars from, the ignition lock was slightly different on the inside, but looks exactly the same as a E-body one when assembled.

I have also seen where a person cut the nub off the column collar and used fiberglass to smooth it out, looked pretty good when done.
