Comments in for sale posts

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HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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I understand that we are not to post comments in for sale threads

But I also seem to remember having to check a box when making a for sale thread that states I'm listing prices and posting pictures

So wouldn't it make sense to delete that entire for sale thread and not just the comments, or are we using two different standards here ?
I dont see how the 2 are related?
I think he is saying that both the original post which is in the For Sale forum and the comments are both in violation of the rules. The original post is in violation of the rules for not having pictures or prices and the comments, and that comments in for sale threads are against the rules. That's the relation here....

He is asking why the rules were enforced by deleting comments but not deleting the for sale post without prices and pictures.
I think he is saying that both the original post which is in the For Sale forum and the comments are both in violation of the rules. The original post is in violation of the rules for not having pictures or prices and the comments, and that comments in for sale threads are against the rules. That's the relation here....

He is asking why the rules were enforced by deleting comments but not deleting the for sale post without prices and pictures.
If the sale thread is properly done there is no need to Delete if just for comments. Just delete them. If the sale thread is not proper, contains personal information, wrong forum or worse yet, a sale in a non-sale forum, lacks photos, descriptions, price, etc the thread "may" be deleted. For me it all depends on how many rules were broken. If it only has one issue we try to get the seller to correct it. If it has a bunch of things wrong the seller needs to start over and re-read the sale rules. Also. it wouldn't be fair to the seller to delete the sale thread just because other members don't follow the "no comment" rule.
I dont see how the 2 are related?
Like @boosted Said, the original add was in violation, and so where the comments

so why remove the comments but not the add itself, that seemed like a double standard to me

If the sale thread is properly done there is no need to Delete if just for comments. Just delete them. If the sale thread is not proper, contains personal information, wrong forum or worse yet, a sale in a non-sale forum, lacks photos, descriptions, price, etc the thread "may" be deleted. For me it all depends on how many rules were broken. If it only has one issue we try to get the seller to correct it. If it has a bunch of things wrong the seller needs to start over and re-read the sale rules. Also. it wouldn't be fair to the seller to delete the sale thread just because other members don't follow the "no comment" rule.
Mike, I'm sure you know what add I'm talking about
It has no pictures
It has no prices

And, if I'm not mistaken, you removed the sellers phone number from the add

That seemed like quite a few infractions to me
If the sale thread is properly done there is no need to Delete if just for comments. Just delete them. If the sale thread is not proper, contains personal information, wrong forum or worse yet, a sale in a non-sale forum, lacks photos, descriptions, price, etc the thread "may" be deleted. For me it all depends on how many rules were broken. If it only has one issue we try to get the seller to correct it. If it has a bunch of things wrong the seller needs to start over and re-read the sale rules. Also. it wouldn't be fair to the seller to delete the sale thread just because other members don't follow the "no comment" rule.
What's a for sale ad without pictures, prices or even actual items listed then? That's what is in question here.

I personally do not agree with some of the rules but they don't really bother me and I just try to follow along. I wasn't the one that questioned what happened in this particular case. I do understand where he's coming from with his questions and thought I would try and help explain. I do feel there is some double standard here going on with the rules.

Here's what I see in this case....

Someone commented on a for sale ad - 1 rule broken and the post gets deleted
Someone created an ad in the For Sale forum without pictures, prices or even an item listed - 3 rules broken and yet the post is still active.

Your last sentence reminds me of what happened with a post I had created recently. I didn't post a wanted ad, yet other members chose to not follow the rules and offered items for sale on my thread. Instead of their offers getting deleted, my thread did and it was a legitimate thread asking a question. I understood the reason you chose to delete my thread instead of their offers because I don't expect anyone to babysit the forum or my threads to ensure everyone follows rules but yet you are choosing to do that in this case. Kinda feels like a double standard to me.

Again, I really don't give a crap about any of this and will continue to try to follow the rules of the forum. :)
What's a for sale ad without pictures, prices or even actual items listed then? That's what is in question here.

I personally do not agree with some of the rules but they don't really bother me and I just try to follow along. I wasn't the one that questioned what happened in this particular case. I do understand where he's coming from with his questions and thought I would try and help explain. I do feel there is some double standard here going on with the rules.

Here's what I see in this case....

Someone commented on a for sale ad - 1 rule broken and the post gets deleted
Someone created an ad in the For Sale forum without pictures, prices or even an item listed - 3 rules broken and yet the post is still active.

Your last sentence reminds me of what happened with a post I had created recently. I didn't post a wanted ad, yet other members chose to not follow the rules and offered items for sale on my thread. Instead of their offers getting deleted, my thread did and it was a legitimate thread asking a question. I understood the reason you chose to delete my thread instead of their offers because I don't expect anyone to babysit the forum or my threads to ensure everyone follows rules but yet you are choosing to do that in this case. Kinda feels like a double standard to me.

Again, I really don't give a crap about any of this and will continue to try to follow the rules of the forum. :)
I would have to see specifics but if the ad you are talking without photos and prices is the one I saw at 2:30 am this morning, we (staff) were discussing it earlier today. Sometimes we get to ads with issues too late and by that time there isn't much else to do but remove the whole thing. Also, sometimes there is questions about the item for sale and a lot of good information is posted. Those are the hardest for us to deal with. Follow the rules and delete comment posts or leave them in and not follow the rules. I have chatted with sellers in the past and took the ad down but changed it to a tech thread. Find out what you have or need and then post an ad. A lot is not cut and dried here. We have to make decisions on the fly often times.
I would have to see specifics but if the ad you are talking without photos and prices is the one I saw at 2:30 am this morning, we (staff) were discussing it earlier today. Sometimes we get to ads with issues too late and by that time there isn't much else to do but remove the whole thing. Also, sometimes there is questions about the item for sale and a lot of good information is posted. Those are the hardest for us to deal with. Follow the rules and delete comment posts or leave them in and not follow the rules. I have chatted with sellers in the past and took the ad down but changed it to a tech thread. Find out what you have or need and then post an ad. A lot is not cut and dried here. We have to make decisions on the fly often times.
This is the ad that everyone in this thread are talking about..... lol

Hughes Engines is a FABO Sponsor. A paid commercial vendor here. If there is a rule infraction here as far as the ad goes @Joeychgo will need to handle that. But, it is a sale thread and comments are not allowed.
Understood. Not double standards. Just different rules for paid vendors from the rest of us. :thumbsup:
Careful @ diymirage. Mess with the bull , you might get the horns! Been there here, done that here. I’ve been threatened in the past but the threads remained, even though my comments were spot on and were removed. The way of the world, I guess.
Careful @ diymirage. Mess with the bull , you might get the horns! Been there here, done that here. I’ve been threatened in the past but the threads remained, even though my comments were spot on and were removed. The way of the world, I guess.
Well, if I understand it correctly, @dental dart found that out the hard way, he poked at Mike in the thread and got a vacation out of it

Now it seems the thread got pulled after all

I must say, I am glad to see there was what seems like even application of the rules in this case
Well, if I understand it correctly, @dental dart found that out the hard way, he poked at Mike in the thread and got a vacation out of it

Now it seems the thread got pulled after all

I must say, I am glad to see there was what seems like even application of the rules in this case
The post should have been moved to the Vendor forum as it was obviously not a for sale ad and instead, an advertisement for a vendor sale. Then we could have commented on the post and maybe even help generate some sales for Hughes. I genuinely was trying to put a list of stuff together to buy but now I won't bother.
I dont see how the 2 are related?
He's bein a smartass. He's sayin the for sale ad itself IS commentary.

Guys, it's real simple. Just stop doin it. It's temptin as hell, I admit and I'm guilty too, but we need to all just stop. It distracts from the sellers ad and gloms up the works, plus makes more work for @toolmanmike. Unless you're interested in buying something in an ad, don't do it. Better yet, don't do it at all, send the seller a PM.
Hughes Engines is a FABO Sponsor. A paid commercial vendor here. If there is a rule infraction here as far as the ad goes @Joeychgo will need to handle that. But, it is a sale thread and comments are not allowed.
That's where I was goin with the comment I posted....but I didn't word it right. I was saying that maybe vendors had more leeway. How can he take pictures if he has thousands of parts for sale and the only way he has to keep track are part numbers?
Very interesting about the vendor getting priority over the rest of us. Dave Hughes is a crook he screwed me a couple times shame on me. But you're double standard of how you treat people is a bunch of crap.
Remember, this is a privately owned forum.
Rules do not have to be a single standard.
Nor followed by the owners and their employed.

Rules must only be followed by those who do not own or have a stake in the forum.
Even if a bunch of people are "gold" members that paid money for extra privileges. Those privileges have nothing to do with the rules of which they are to follow.

This is evident across the board on all the for only sites.
So, we are to just pipe down and obey the rules, or as several have been told, go elsewhere. Our membership and gold money means nothing here.

The thread should have been a vendor thread though. I copied it so that I didn't lose the number as I was expecting it to disappear.
Seems their would be a simple fix for this. All sales adds would be locked automatically, with editing allowed by the seller.
On the flip side nobody can be warned of a bad seller or misinformation. A new thread would have to be posted in general dis.
Seller could be corrected or asked questions in a PM. Your:welcome:
Remember, this is a privately owned forum.
Rules do not have to be a single standard.
Nor followed by the owners and their employed.

Rules must only be followed by those who do not own or have a stake in the forum.
Even if a bunch of people are "gold" members that paid money for extra privileges. Those privileges have nothing to do with the rules of which they are to follow.

This is evident across the board on all the for only sites.
So, we are to just pipe down and obey the rules, or as several have been told, go elsewhere. Our membership and gold money means nothing here.

The thread should have been a vendor thread though. I copied it so that I didn't lose the number as I was expecting it to disappear.
Do you have a screenshot of that thread? I would like to see it. If it was not posted under his vendor forum area, he is not listed for me to be able to move it. Another story. That whole thread went into left field with slamming and name calling the vendor. Only a member or two was civil. It was finally moved to trash and is under review.
I'm not arguing with you about the comments.
Nor am I picking a fight.
Just stating fact for everyone.

Let me see what I still have, I might have deleted it.
Wait, you can't see an old deleted thread? Interesting.
I'm not arguing with you about the comments.
Nor am I picking a fight.
Just stating fact for everyone.

Let me see what I still have, I might have deleted it.
Wait, you can't see an old deleted thread? Interesting.
I can't see what forum it was originally in after it is moved to trash file.
Sorry, I deleted the screen shot and only have one text that I sent from a picture.

hughes engines thread partial.jpg
Sorry, I deleted the screen shot and only have one text that I sent from a picture.

View attachment 1716094459
Thanks, I can't tell where it started. It really doesn't matter other than I get thrown under the bus for not moving it to the vender forum. (Heck it could have been there to start.) If it did need to get moved, it couldn't have because Hughes isn't on the list to move it to..
What does this mean?
Just what I said. I have an option to move a thread but Hughes Engines is not on that list of forums under the Vendor heading. If the ad was in the wrong forum, I couldn't have moved it anyway. That's not the issue. Do vendor ads follow the same rules as member sale threads do. I don't know. I have never been told that and this subject has never came up.
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