Concern for a Member !!

Small Block should be with him know.:clock:
Still praying for my big friend :sad7:and a full recovery.:clock:
I hope to hear from Small Block in the next hour.
Tony and Bill having fun at Monster Mopar Weekend this last fall.

WoW!!! I'm always just blown away at the good people here on this site. I was just talking to Vic yesterday about something. A very helpful person. I hope he gets better. It sounds like he will. There really is some good people on here.
Not to take away from the good wishes, they are certainly warranted and needed, but... Is anyone on here familiar with the "system" and can help Vic(?) through the process of applying for some sort of assistance for this emergency? I remember a bunch of years ago my father had the same sort of deal, bad medical problem, no real cash flow, and little insurance. Thankfully, he found ways to get the assistance he needed. I don't have any idea how he did it, but if someone on here has experience and could sit down and write it out, it couldn't hurt.
....and in the words of Dr Applegate "Oh he's fine" They found a small clot about the size of 1/4 the size of a pin head that lodged on the top of his head. In the last 24 hrs there have been 3 men Tony's age come in with the same symtoms and the other two aren't doing so well. One is in critical condition. They will do some more tests tomorrow but will be able to come home the day after tomorrow. His speech is fine and he seems to be the old Tony i know. I ask the doctor if he could have his laptop and she said as long as he didn't go to those girlie sites. He should be on as soon as Karen gets it from the house. The prayers you folks have sent forth have in no doubt made a very large impact on the power that controls such small things as universes. Tony and Karen thanks all of you from the depth of their heart for your prayers. I'll see him tomorrow at 8 am and then i will post any new findings.
Prayer sent. I met Tony at MMW last year, he is a great guy. Will keep praying for him. Small Block that is one of added bonuses of being married to a excellent nurse. You can't help but learn a lot about symtoms. My wife also taught true compassion. Hope Tony's back in the shop quick & strong as ever. Small Block you did good!
A big 10/4 on the good nurse. Funny thing is one time she needed to take a CPR course and wanted me to take it with her so i did. I aced it and she missed two but passed. She knows where the brains are. Told Tony not to worry about any of the cost issues and to just pay the hospital $20 a week and that will have to work. Told him if they gave him any crap then i would go in and tune em up for him. I love this kind of stuff. They'll know they've been tuned up when i leave. I did speak with the CEO today while i was standing around the ER and told him what a fine bunch he had in the ER area. Told him of my friends situation and my wife and daugter that have worked ther for 20 some odd years. He said if there was anything that he could help with to let him know. HHuuuuuummmmm!
Sad to hear of Vic having a stroke but sure glad to hear you got help for him in time. Will still pray for a complete recovery for him and a way to get the bills taken care of. Tracy and Cathy
Nice job Small Block, glad you made him go to the hospital. And glad that he listened too.
Thank you Small Block :-D
I have been in my bedroom thinking and praying for Tony and little Emma mikesduster's little girl, I will sleep much better knowing you will be there for him and keeping everything straight, You are the man Bill,:cheers: Thank you for your great friend ship. And Tony, If you have your lap top and reading this I am so happy that you will make it ok, If you need anything , anything at all just call.
God bless you all there in West Plains Mo. I will see you soon bud.
Thanks for the updates Bill. Its really nice to hear that the Dr seems to think that things are looking good. Thats got to be helping Tony and Karens nerves at least a little. Youve got my contact info so if you or Tony need anything please dont hesitate to call! Will keep praying that things only keep looking better!!
Prayers sent for Tony and his complete recovery. And my hat is off to you smallblock, what a great friend! Please keep us updated.
Way to go Bill. Good catch. I don't know Vic (Tony) but I hope everything will be just fine!
Good call Bill!
Thanks for looking out for the other guy and being "insistant".:cheers:
I'm very happy to hear he's doing so well, that was a very close call. Very lucky for him that you were there Bill. This should be a lesson to all of us, if you think something's wrong you're probably right, do something FAST, it could make all the difference in the world.
Hi everybody, I am here and kicking thanks to your prayers, the one good thing that can happen to a mopar guy is something to your head! No Brains No Headaches!!! Looking like a complete recovery. Thank you all for your support, it means more to my wife and I than I can tell. You don't know who your friends are untill your in need and I see by this thread that I am a very wealthy man! As far as my friend Bill, I don't have words but I do have a great friend and brother, they say a measure of a man is who he calls friends, right now I am 20 feet tall! Tired now, talk soon, Tony
Glad to see you're recovering quickly!! Take it easy rest & follow the Docs orders. You'll be good as new in no time.