Confirmed: We did land on the moon

so wait,robots from deep space didnt store space bridges on the dark side of the moon only to return when a dorky kid in a Yellow Camero gets a smokin hot girlfriend crap i shoulda know that wasnt a documentary space people would bout a mopar
Awesome video. My brother worked on the LRO and sent me a number of the images that it got back from the moon. They have pictures of the original landing site and all of the stuff that was left on the moon. They also synchronized the LRO flight path with the video taken from the original moon landing. It's pretty neat to see everything match up.

Radiation is always a concern with anything sent into space, but they provided adequate shielding on the original lander and in the space suits. Radiation shielding technology hasn't really changed since the 60s. Astronauts get more exposure than most people, but it really isn't that bad as long as their time outside the vehicle isn't too long.

The reasons they quit sending people to the moon was cost, the abandoning of the Saturn V rocket program, and the end of the space race with the USSR. The Space Shuttle program was never intended to go to the moon and was designed to within Earth's immediate orbit.

One thing that has improved since the 60s is robot and sattellite technology. We can get a lot of information with unmanned probes that weren't available when we were sending people to the moon.

As a side note, a lot of the accidents that happened in America (like when the oxygen atmosphere in the capsule ignited on the pad and killed three astronauts, Grissom included) had already happened in the USSR. It's sad that information wasn't exchanged back then, but that was the nature of the time.
Thanks for the video, the moon sure is beautiful seen in detail. I never doubted that we landed there. My Dad was a young engineer in the '60's working for a telemetry firm, some data-transmitting equipment he built was left there.
I never doubted it.
Me neither Frankie.......specially after seeing Aldrins Right Hook !

It be like someone tellin me I didn't press my shoulder blades up against the headliner in my Charger after she got AIRBORN runnin' from the Palos Cops when I jumped that hill on Roller coaster road (108th ave southbound from 143rd st.)

BUZZ for PREZ !!!!!!

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