cool member alert


Princess Valiant

A.K.A. Rainy Day Auto
FABO Gold Member
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
i see a lot of Good guy alerts for ppl who send other ppl stuff ....that is cool...nothing wrong with that.

but you rarely see good guy alerts for ppl who are just good ppl and not necessarily involved in a good trade or exchange of items.

sometimes just being a friend goes a long way and is more everlasting than some of the cool items we all shuffle around.

i am talking about SpeedracerX.

Mr. Bill has never recieved any parts from me nor have i from him ....YET he continues to exchange PMs with me just like a down home friend.

thats what FABO is all about, treating someone like you like to be treated even beyond any deals or exchange of tangible items.

Thanks Mr. Bill
Now can some one tell me why this only has 3 posts ? Cool beans rani thanks for the good guy thread !
I am fortunate that he lives in my area. I met him at a large weekly cruise last year. Real cool guy! I'll be seeing him this summer for sure. If you like his Dart, you should see her in person...
I don't know how ya'll can single out just one member as being great , when there are so many
LOL lance start naming names lol I can start Kral, martin, lance , cliff , C, Waggs, ray, Andy , bob, rob,rob,josh,Adam, Rani, Leanna, Mike ,mike2, mike 3 lol keith(baconboy), warren, There are more i just cant spell there names lol
I don't know how ya'll can single out just one member as being great , when there are so many

absolutely right ......i wasnt trying to single one out but instead using one as an example .....but i agree...if i was to make a thread for everyone i think rocks ....i would have to get busy making threads now and i would be here for awhile.

the main point of the thread i was trying to make is that friendship is more everlasting than cars or parts. when its all over and on a death bed i would hope the average person is thinking of the friends he or she had over a life time (even if just on the web) rather than just the cars and parts they had.
Shoot there's too many people on here I love talking to and seeing posts from.

Memike, you Rani, Asa, JD Mopar, Barracudakid, abodybomber and so many more!
since i have turned into a hermit ....i talk to myself and answer myself too.

i have to answer myself since the cat wont :fart:
I bet you have some lovely conversations with youself too! I sure do! It also helps me when I'm working or doing math cause I can talk myself through it.

Cats do make poor conversationalists... But you can always count on there habbits. TJ comes an bothers me when I'm smoking, he pulls my leg of my pants and stares at me like he is neglected. Ash is great for greeting me and dad when we walk in the door. Fred is a stinker, he lays on newspapers and magazines while you're reading them, he races you to the bathroom and jumps on the toilet lid so you can't open it. Bootsy is always in the bathtub and she gets real mushy in the bathroom. Lunar always comes to find me when he wakes up. Mia always acts mushy untill you pet her, then she acts like she is searching for something. Sunny will stare you down untill you give him your ice cream or sphaghetti sauce or chhhhiiiiiiiicken!!!!!! Chester was the big thinker, it wasn't "pet me pet me I love you" it was "I'm going to sit and think about you petting me untill I decide if I really want you to or not" and he HAD to make friends with anyone knew who came in the house, may he RIP.
Wow I really havent been on as much as usual to have missed this thread.. (Thanks Rani for bringing it to my attention lol) .. I am truly blown away and touched.. To me this site is also about the friendships formed not just from scoring cool parts or having the part someone else needs.. I have met many great people in the 5 years I have been here.. And have been fortunate to form several friendships, that despite some of them being internet only (simply because they are too far for me to travel to meet LOL) have become strong friendships... So let me turn this around and also give a well deserved shoutout to you as well Rani... your friendship, PM's, and the occasional debate on whether the 69 340 swinger came with buckets or not, have meant a great deal to me...

Also I agree with others here, that there are so many great people here, its almost impossible to mention them all... So to Rani, Leanna, Keith, Jerrod, Cliff, Harry, and the MANY others I have talked to, met in person, traded or bought parts from or just shared a laugh with... Thanks for having me as part of your extended Mopar family..
Right you are (ALL the above posters) The list of great people here is a long one. Thanks for the thread Rani. tmm
Right you are (ALL the above posters) The list of great people here is a long one. Thanks for the thread Rani. tmm

See? theres my point... I forgot to mention you as well! You and I had a great time posting to each other in your thread before the Mopar Nats last year about the meet and greet, and I had a great time meeting you and getting a chance to chat in person...
Bill is one heck of a guy ( thanks for the name drop by the way haha).

we got to talking a few years ago now I think it was here on fabo and we hit it off and have been fabo buddies since. one day I hope to get the chance to meet Bill in person and talk mopar and such!
Bill is one heck of a guy ( thanks for the name drop by the way haha).

we got to talking a few years ago now I think it was here on fabo and we hit it off and have been fabo buddies since. one day I hope to get the chance to meet Bill in person and talk mopar and such!

I hope for that too. Hang out, have few cold ones and talk about Mopars and life in general
Finally, a thread worth reading, no drama from anyone! I don't think I have ever talked to him, but he seems like a good guy from his posts. That is what makes this website the best, the camaraderie. Lots of cool people, that help each other in any way they can. I could make my own list, too, and it would entail many of the names already mentioned. As a side note, every person I have met from this site has been a person I could sit and bs with for hours.