Not to create controversy, just sharing my experience. I have a 71 Dart with a 440 (475-500hp). I wasn’t comfortable with the cooling. Last winter I changed over to a ColdCase rad with large tubes, spent countless hours getting the shroud perfectly placed and sealed to the rad for maximum air flow. I have a plastic fan that pushes a tone of air (I know some disagree, but with my research there seems to be more issues with flex and clutch fans (I removed a clutch fan) The short term plan is fix the cooling and down the road find a factory 7 blade steel fan). The set up is working Very Good…….. except……. In traffic at 90 degrees the temp gauge starts to creep up over 200 but corrects quickly once the car is moving. Some would be happy with this, but I a looking for perfection. I am in the (painful) process of adding a puncher fan to kick in at 195, and kick out at 185 when stopped in traffic. I realize there could be blockage issues with the pusher fan out front, but I am going on the concept that the car recovers quickly and never moves while driving. I will know the answer the first hot day next summer. Food for thought. Ron D and the Gypsy Queen