Cop sues drowning baby's parents

That is so sad it's maddening. I'm sure that anyone being held at gunpoint by a criminal will surely think twice before calling 911. Wouldn't want to put the police officer in a situation where they might get hurt.
I always thought when you were hurt on the job "Workmen's Comp" took care of everything........glad I don't work anymore.....retired 3 years ago:hello2:
The lawyer and the officer should be taken out back and beaten with a bat.This is on the same level as a fire men getting burnt at a fire because a kid played with matches.I hope that some of you start to think about thinning the herds of the sick people like this and the lawyers,mrmopartech
That story has been all over the news here. I want to say I heard something about the cop dropping the case but I shouldn't have been started in the first place. Maybe the sheriffs office should suspend her for not wearing non-skid shoes on the job !

That cop needs to be busted down to meter reader or parking enforcement or donut eater (for her own safety of course)

The sad thing is I'm sure there are people out there right now saying "yeah sue 'em for all they got" probably the same guy selling the rolled duster on EvilBay.
In this paticular case I wont say what Im thinking,I dont subscribe to political correctness therfore I might offend somebody lol!.:violent1:
I'm a cop and have been for the last 8 years...that has to be one of the lowest most dispicable things i've ever heard. I'm saddened by the whole story.
Thats not a police officer. Thats no cop.
Thats a PIG!
And should be handle like one on the way to the slaughter house. What a P.O.S.!
Law suite dropped or not! FIRED! Should be the first words to her.

Real police officers would never. Real cops do the right thing without wanting for nothing. This saddens me to no end.
I agree with what everybody has said - but I think it is important to mention that people in civil service industries don't get good enough benefits. It sickens me that the cop would have financial troubles and not be FULLY taken care of due to an injury on the job. That doesn't make it right for her to take legal action on the family - but I think it's still important to bring up.

It all comes down to the essential healthcare problems in this country.
Cops aren't any different than any other folks, you isolate any group of people whether they be teachers, cops, garbage men, athletes, doesn't matter, you'll find some rotten eggs mixed in with them, it's just the way it goes. Most of us, regardless of our occupation are decent people that would never consider doing anything as immoral as this. It could have been Raoul the pool boy, it just happened to be a cop, I wouldn't read much into that. I would imagine her fellow officers are horrified by this and there will be quite a bit of fall out that she'll have to live with.
I agree with what everybody has said - but I think it is important to mention that people in civil service industries don't get good enough benefits. It sickens me that the cop would have financial troubles and not be FULLY taken care of due to an injury on the job. That doesn't make it right for her to take legal action on the family - but I think it's still important to bring up.

It all comes down to the essential healthcare problems in this country.

I have to disagree with this. I have grown up around law enforcement and fire safety and one thing they seem to handle very well is taking care of those who were injured in the line of duty. Granted, this slipping incident isn't one of the most heroic on the job injuries I have heard about but as I said, departments take care of their own and take care of them well. This story is more about one gal who doesn't seem to get it and perhaps shouldn't be in this line of work. Reminds me of the gals in the fire depts that consistently dump their oxygen before entering a building (which keeps them from actually going inside). Maybe this isn't the right job for you. Thanks to those policemen and firemen that go in without hesitation and do their job.