Cops hate mustangs!

Rolling through stop signs really is a bad habit, most everyone does it at least sometimes. Here is why, our brains favor speed over accuracy and sometimes what you think you see was actually just a fill in the blank by your brain rather than what is actually there. It happens a lot. If I had a dollar for every time I've heard " it came out of no where "... So you see it's the forming of a habit that provides the perfect opportunity for your brain to process for speed rather than accuracy that is dangerous and rolling through the old familiar stop sign where there is never anyone coming is just such a condition.

I shouldn't admit this but I really don't care anymore. I've had the same ticket book for years. With the exception of when I was a rookie I never gave tickets for speeding. Doing 70 in a 55 out in the country, I don't care. Running stop lights/signs a much bigger deal. No insurance, big deal. Speeding through a school zone big deal.

Anyhow rolling through the old familiar stop signs is a very dangerous " brain conditioning" habit. I don't know how old you are but I'm guessing 25-35. I'm sure a lot of guys will tell you that when you start pushing 50 the old brain will start slowing down in some peculiar ways and speed is one of them and accuracy, well we never had as much as we thought in the first place.

Just something to think about. I would really hate to see one of your next posts being in the body and trim section cause you got t-boned or worse. Along with the classic " they came out of nowhere " statement.

There are no accidents just wrecks.
Damn that comes out to being pulled over 3 times a year..your license would be yanked in this state..and with good reason.
Sounds far more like an Operator Issue, rather than a vehicles issue, or ever a cop issue.

Just my 2¢
The last ticket I was convicted of was 1989.Been pulled many times since then and either was let off with a warning or paid my attorney to get me out of it(He did eat free for three years at the restaurant I managed lol).That being said I haven't been pulled in at least 10+ years.

The faster the car I was driving the more aware I was that cops would be looking for me to act up.I never even got pulled in my corvette or my supercharged mustang.

But I had the stop sign disease early on.While driving the car during drivers ed (with two other kids in the back seat) I blew right threw a stop sign without even hitting the brake.The instructor slammed on the brake from his side of the car and looked at me and said "Did you see that stop sign?" Yes sir. "Why didn't you stop?" Because no one was coming. "GO SIT IN THE BACKSEAT!". I was 15 and it was 1980.Thinking about that made me laugh.
nice car - I was just jammin' - my nephew has a 72 Mach tribute car and my best friend owns an 88 convertible 5.0
Tell the cop that "The power in this car is uncontrollable" and "I couldn't help it, I let off the brakes and the tires started spinning before I touched the gas pedal" :lol:

The police from the old days would give you a break, not so much today remember they are revenue generators and today the greed is pretty rampant. Also, they don't want people driving powerful hot rod type vehicles, if they can suspend you license and make you sell the car etc. they won.
Tell the cop that "The power in this car is uncontrollable" and "I couldn't help it, I let off the brakes and the tires started spinning before I touched the gas pedal" :lol:

The police from the old days would give you a break, not so much today remember they are revenue generators and today the greed is pretty rampant. Also, they don't want people driving powerful hot rod type vehicles, if they can suspend you license and make you sell the car etc. they won.

How did you stumble across this two year old thread. The mustang is long gone.
How did you stumble across this two year old thread. The mustang is long gone.
I thought punching "mustang" into the search box of a mopar forum got you banned on the spot?

Unless your searching for a hot dragcar I posted a while ago
This is an old thread!
How did you stumble across this two year old thread. The mustang is long gone.
I saw it was 2 years old and thought the same thing. You still up on the north side of town? I drive by your parents place daily.
I heard this one a morning radio show... The driver said, "OK I didn't come to a complete stop but I did slow waaaaaaay down. The officer stuck his night stick through the window opening and began hitting this driver all about head and shoulder. He asked, "You want me to stop or just slow waaaay down?"
Once upon a time, the dealership I worked for processed 121 Mustangs for the state. So I met quite a few SC state troopers who hated Mustangs. They were spending 8 hr shifts in that seat. Statements, like "It's killing my back", "This thing is beating me to damn death!", "I want my ol' Crown Vic back", "A actual horse rides better", "I'll light'em up just so I can stand up and move around a bit".
Although I remember all that, I can't remember the last time I was pulled over.
Rolling thru stop signs (AKA California Stops) are the norm here in my wife's hometown. Everyone does them and I do mean everyone. If a driver doesn't follow suit, it really disrupts the flow.

This, of course, is at city intersections where there is no surprise "it came out of nowhere" but is happening at intersections that always have traffic on every side. So it is just a matter of people taking turns doing the same dance. Once you get the hang of it, it seems easier to avoid a collision by moving out of the way rather than seeing two drivers taken by surprise, not knowing what to do, and slamming into one another.

This is not to say that there are not collisions every day. Traffic congestion has really increased the last couple of years and this is raising the chances of a crash everywhere you go here. Don't know how much longer the rolling stops will be so common, but for now they are a way of life in La Paz.
Haven't been pulled over once and it has a loud exhaust.

2017-04-29 09.53.29.jpg
Since there are alot of negative vibes in this thread, I would like to say something positive...

Cops LOVE doughnuts.... :D
Stop signs are annoying and can waste gas and time.
And brake shoes.
Roundabouts are smart.
To the OP.
I don't know.
But maybe if you are driving the first car the cop figures you built it and know what you are doing.
If you are driving a late model Mustang, you just bought the thing and you don't.