I admit the future of Chrysler, Fiat or who ever owns that at any given time, is selling new vehicles. I also admit Mother Mopar has always been gifted in the engineering dept., but as we all know, lacking in management. I am at the retire age (poor) and I will never own a new any vehicle, and buying a used one is far down on my bucket list.
If Mopar was smarter, they would have given more attention to the enthusiasts of their OLD cars the last few decades. For the most part, people of my generation, out time is getting pretty much done. BUT Mopar can do more to fuel the "fire" in the present day buyer of their cars, especially the high performance models, jeeps, and even the luxury/performance car. Maybe I just don't keep up with it.
Step son has alsmost 2 yr old Ram 1/2 t. with the eco diesel. Hloves it, great mileage, but last year it developed a coolant leak, took them 5 times at dealer to find the friggin leak!! Go figure!!!
AND..... Keeping parts on hand at dealership to fix what they have sold, is basic, not extras!!!!!