Could use a friend right now.

Sharron is in our thoughts. Cancer...pure evil. But it can be beaten. Don...just be there for her. My wife had some "atypical cells", which the doc said more times than not turn into cancer, removed. Been 5 years already. I have never missed an appointment when Ernie goes to the Oncologist. Having someone to lean on is damn near priceless...
Sharron is in our thoughts. Cancer...pure evil. But it can be beaten. Don...just be there for her. My wife had some "atypical cells", which the doc said more times than not turn into cancer, removed. Been 5 years already. I have never missed an appointment when Ernie goes to the Oncologist. Having someone to lean on is damn near priceless...
Thanks bro.
Prayers sent Snake. My wife had breast cancer six years ago and was cancer free till last November, came back in her hip and had to have a hip replacement. She now walks with a cane. She had radiation this time too and still goes once a week for chemo. She is doing ok and still around to yell at me. You and the family hang in there buddy. I know you have been through a lot Don but your not alone. Sharron,stay strong like your brother and you will pull through.
Have been keeping quiet for some time.My little sister is battling cancer.She has breast cancer,and they have remover 1 breast, but she still has cancer in her,she just started chemo,and she has to have a needle witch i gave her last night,man its hard to see her go through this,next is radiation,So could all you mopar folks pray for her.Sharron is her name.I am, afraid i may loose her.I met a fellow mopar nut just this winter who was great to get to know,who battled cancer and won,not the same cancer but he beat it.I hope the same for my little sister.
Sharron is on our prayer list.
My wife went through it 5yrs ago, coming up on her last check up. They so If she pass this she's safe. The hole thing sucks and I can do anything about it except watch and say a pray for my linda and you'r sister.
Have been keeping quiet for some time.My little sister is battling cancer.She has breast cancer,and they have remover 1 breast, but she still has cancer in her,she just started chemo,and she has to have a needle witch i gave her last night,man its hard to see her go through this,next is radiation,So could all you mopar folks pray for her.Sharron is her name.I am, afraid i may loose her.I met a fellow mopar nut just this winter who was great to get to know,who battled cancer and won,not the same cancer but he beat it.I hope the same for my little sister.
Prayers for your family Sir.
I lost my mother just about 5 years ago to cancer, a month after her passing my dad was diagnosed with a cancer. Its hard to watch but today dad is doing great and we give him all the support he could ask for. Stay close to your sister and stay positive so she will do the same. As many have said today things are much better for survival. Your family and your sister will be in my prayers.
I am praying for your sister bro. My wife is undergoing radiation 5 days a week right now and I completely understand your pain. They have made a lot of advances and I am sure that your sis will come our of this just fine. God Bless
I am praying for your sister bro. My wife is undergoing radiation 5 days a week right now and I completely understand your pain. They have made a lot of advances and I am sure that your sis will come our of this just fine. God Bless
There are so many dealing with cancer it boggels the mind,thanks for the kind words and the best to you and you gal.
Have been keeping quiet for some time.My little sister is battling cancer.She has breast cancer,and they have remover 1 breast, but she still has cancer in her,she just started chemo,and she has to have a needle witch i gave her last night,man its hard to see her go through this,next is radiation,So could all you mopar folks pray for her.Sharron is her name.I am, afraid i may loose her.I met a fellow mopar nut just this winter who was great to get to know,who battled cancer and won,not the same cancer but he beat it.I hope the same for my little sister.

Sorry to hear about this. My mother died of breast cancer years ago.
I always thought that there has got to be a better way. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is not the way.
So I got educated by finding out why some people beat it and others don't. The internet is a good way to find out. I first saw the light when my wife's Aunt beat breast cancer after the doctors sent her home to die.

Most people don't know it and don't want to know it, if you tell them, but getting away from the doctors was one of the best things that could have happened to her. If you get around the right people and information the answer becomes clear.

What people don't know is that modern medicine isn't looking into every way to beat cancer. They are only into poisons such as chemotherapy and radiation poisoning and of course surgery. Think about it! If all this worked, why would you need surgery? Because it doesn't work. Trying to poison yourself is not the way to go on living, especially with a carcinogen.
Carcinogens cause cancer.
Since they don't have a cure, why not advance yourself and find it. It's there!
God has already provided the cure, which is quite the opposite of what you'll receive from the common medical practice. Like being at a Chevy dealership wanting to buy a Mopar, or just like beating a dead horse. Find out what really works and stop all the gambling.

I wish your sister a quick recovery. From past experience, I don't want to even think about this situation.
Sorry if I hurt someone's feelings, but sometimes the Truth hurts. Some people just love their doctors in spite of good sound reasoning.
Once you find it, you'll dump that doctor.
Doctors are not and will not use natual ways, because they will go broke and the AMA prevents it. So a second opinion is really ridiculous.

The people that I've seen go this route, all beat it within 6 weeks. And I'm not selling anything, just thought you might want to try God's way instead of Man's way. An example: Food is either acidic or alkaline, Body PH is everything! Guess which one cancer loves. A natural food that has been processed by a lab is even better.
Take care.
Have been keeping quiet for some time.My little sister is battling cancer.She has breast cancer,and they have remover 1 breast, but she still has cancer in her,she just started chemo,and she has to have a needle witch i gave her last night,man its hard to see her go through this,next is radiation,So could all you mopar folks pray for her.Sharron is her name.I am, afraid i may loose her.I met a fellow mopar nut just this winter who was great to get to know,who battled cancer and won,not the same cancer but he beat it.I hope the same for my little sister.
My wife had the same thing. She had a breast removed in Dec 2014 but the cancer had spread. She then when through 6 chemo treatments 17 treatments of another drug and 36 radiation treatments. She is now in remission and doing great. Be positive and keep fighting.
sorry to hear but I am adding Sharron to my prayer list also prayers for the whole family because it is stressful to everyone
Breast cancer is no longer a certain death sentence.

Here's the US survival rates, and the Canadian ones are likely even better:

5-year relative survival rates for breast cancer by stage
  • The 5-year relative survival rate for women with stage 0 or stage I breast cancer is close to 100%.
  • For women with stage II breast cancer, the 5-year relative survival rate is about 93%.
  • The 5-year relative survival rate for stage III breast cancers is about 72%.
Your sister will be okay.
Well said, and you are very correct. I am Head of Technical Development for a Pharmaceutical company and I can tell you that breast Cancer is one of the most beatable kinds of cancer out there. Survival rates are very high and the understanding of treating that type of cancer is very deep.

Despite the sometimes bias against Pharmaceutical companies, I can tell you that I have spent a large part of my 30 year career fighting the scourge of cancer. It's a tough disease that comes in many forms and every case is different. Cancer isn't just one's a thousand things that result in what people call "Cancer".

Breast cancer and prostate cancer are very well understood and highly survivable. I spent 10 years at my last job working on treatments to actually prevent them from ever happening. Based on what we learned after thousands of patients and over $100 million dollars in research, it's only a matter of time before that becomes a reality.

To the OP, keep the faith...your sister has the odds in her favor to beat this thing and come out stronger than ever.