Couple W series engines being worked on

Some progress this afternoon. Couple more hours and it’s ready for the run stand.


Finish line is so close. It’s gonna make some noise in a few weeks when it’s on the run stand.



Yes…. Though I’d swore I’d find an Automotive Anonymous meeting group, I can’t seem to find one. So I came here instead.

I don’t have the higher end W stuff. What you can’t see below are 3 manual & 2 automatic transmission, 2 each of - B-400’s & LA-360 and 1-340, 2-W5 top ends & another top end set up of W2 heads, also, a B & LA 6 pack, B-M1 single, 2 LA tunnels rams, 1-W2, 1-LA. 3 cranks, 2 sets of pistons, 5 or 6 sets of headers, and 4 project cars.

Wife’s Hot Rod not included in this mess.

The R3/W9 engine is all done and I ran it on the stand. Everything went good. It’s now going in a friends Daytona. The original owner of the W9 sold his cuda a week after I told him his engine was ready to go lol

Once the W9 was finished and out of my garage, I had time to work on the aluminum W8 engine. It’s finally ready to fire. I’m hoping to have time this weekend to run it.

I had to make a new top to run 1 carb on gasoline for the break in. Once that’s done, I’ll put the other top back on and run 2 toilets.



Was Jesse able to make some improvements on the w9s, I feel like he started a post on those at one time
Was Jesse able to make some improvements on the w9s, I feel like he started a post on those at one time
yes Jesse did start a post. i was not given the flow sheets. we did pick up ET and MPH so he did make improvements but having transmission troubles so never got to see the true potential of the heads.