Covid meds



barbee 6043
FABO Gold Member
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
Shepherd, Texas ( SE Tx)
Wife and I got Covid for the first time about 1 month ago, and doc made us take the Paxlovid and a steroid and and antibiotic. Yes we are old people! Anyway, we had our 6 month blood test run other day and she was 400 on cholesterol and her blood sugar was stupid high. My cholesterol is way up all of a sudden. She is borderline diabetic in the first stage I forget what is called. We were barely sick till we took the meds. I felt like hit for chit for a week or so after the end of the meds and she felt way worse from it.
Anyone else have this trouble????
I had it new years. No I’ll affects from paxlovid. Turned me around quick. It was my first go around with it. I did the vaccine and all boosters. I don’t think I had to do anything but the paxlovid. You may have had it worse than me. I was 55 at the time. No spring chicken either. I felt like **** though. Hope things turn around for you and your wife.
That's interesting, My wife and I had it over Xmas. My wife took paxlovid and she recently had her blood work done and her cholesterol is higher than it was previously. I am going to let her know about your post.
Can't go there...

Between the former sports fanatic BIL who now has to rest after climbing his stairs to the second floor of the house... Prior to the vax he was playing racquetball every Saturday... Played baseball all season long.... Golfed... Can't do any of it anymore.. Shortness of breath, dizziness...

And a good friend who's 22yo daughter was healthy as can be but since the vax she's collapsed & died...
We had covid for the second time in October last year. All the shots and boosters. My next door neighbors two sons are doctors, and advised us to take paxlovid after our doctor said to do so also. First covid was pretty rough for both of us for four days. This time was like a cold for a few days. Was the difference the plxlovid or boosters or body resistance, I don't know, but the second time was a breeze compared to the first time. Guess our bodies are all different. We got shingle shots and my wife's arm blew up for a few days, me nothing.
Wife and I got Covid for the first time about 1 month ago, and doc made us take the Paxlovid and a steroid and and antibiotic. Yes we are old people! Anyway, we had our 6 month blood test run other day and she was 400 on cholesterol and her blood sugar was stupid high. My cholesterol is way up all of a sudden. She is borderline diabetic in the first stage I forget what is called. We were barely sick till we took the meds. I felt like hit for chit for a week or so after the end of the meds and she felt way worse from it.
Anyone else have this trouble????
Did you ask your doctor about the higher than normal cholesterol and A1C? I'm no doctor, but maybe the abnormal labs are a result of the infection itself or a combination of the two (virus and meds)? The body does weird stuff when it's fighting infection. Good luck!
I feel like im out of shape since covid but nothing major I just cant lose weight like I used to but I am also about 4 or 5 years older...:)
Never had those issues after a bout with covid late last year but I did have afib for a couple weeks then it finally went away. Seems like covid can cause many different after effect issues.
But now we have another disease to worry about at least there is an old vaccine for it, Measels they are now recommending an MMR vaccine booster for everybody. I don't think the MMR vaccine was around when I was a kid, but I did have one in 2007 before I went overseas to work.
Did you ask your doctor about the higher than normal cholesterol and A1C? I'm no doctor, but maybe the abnormal labs are a result of the infection itself or a combination of the two (virus and meds)? The body does weird stuff when it's fighting infection. Good luck!
Our "doctor" is no an MD but one step up from a RN! He changed wife's persription for a different Statin. It is apparent he gives a chit about me.
I had covid around Christmas. I didn't take anything for it. I found it was nothing special except for the extremely sore throat and it was gone as far as symptoms in a week but I tested positive for 17 days total. I had the first 2 vaccine shots and the wife had 3. Neither of us will ever have another one though. We both suffer from what we believe to be side effects of the vaccine. We also know people with various degrees of side effects that range from dizziness to paralysis and sudden death. I'm no spring chicken either but I will take my chances with the virus.

But now we have another disease to worry about at least there is an old vaccine for it, Measels they are now recommending an MMR vaccine booster for everybody. I don't think the MMR vaccine was around when I was a kid, but I did have one in 2007 before I went overseas to work.
It was eradicated in the US but with the recent global travel surge its back.
I've had covid several times, with idk how many confirmed exposures that resulted in nothing, no covid vaccine, no paxlovid, just zinc, ibuprofen and hydration
Covid. Just another name for the flu. I had some kind of crud in January. I didn't test for it because it didn't matter what the name was. Like @AMC Diplomat just mentioned, zinc, Ibuprofen, and fluids. I had the chills and body aches for 3 days and i was back to near normal in 5. I've had Influenza before. It is what it is. "Covid" did seem to hit some harder than others. I lost a few friends that caught it and couldn't get over it but they weren't in very good shape to start with. My 90 year old mother caught it twice. She got sick, tested positive, got isolated and the symptoms treated, and got over it. It wasn't her time I guess.
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Covid. Just another name for the flu. I had some kind of crud in January. I didn't test for it because it didn't matter what the name was. Like @AMC Diplomat just mentioned, zinc, Ibuprofen, and fluids. I had the chills and body aches for 3 days and i was back to near normal in 5. I've had Influenza before. It is what it is. "Covid" did seem to hit some harder than others. I lost a few friends that caught it and couldn't get over it but they weren't in very good shape to start with. My 90 year old mother caught it twice. She got sick, tested positive, got isolated and the symptoms treated, and got over it. It wasn't her time I guess.
Same here right over hew years . NY eve i was in bed with the chills...I felt the same it was flu I dont need a test to know that but like you said 3 days and I snapped out of it. It wasnt like I thought I was dying or anything...
I have a cardiologist but you will not get him on phone or get an appointment for months.
I was telling someone ...I miss the old days when you had a family doctor in town and you just called him and went there and he knew your history since you was a kid...would say "i remember when you had tour tonsils out..." that kind of thing, now its like you go to a doc and its fast food workers...
I was telling someone ...I miss the old days when you had a family doctor in town and you just called him and went there and he knew your history since you was a kid...would say "i remember when you had tour tonsils out..." that kind of thing, now its like you go to a doc and its fast food workers...
When I was a teenager in the 60s docs still made house calls in rural small town America.

Every six months they pull blood and check; The "doc" fills out the computer form to get his medicare $. If I mention any ailment all I hear is "you are old". Yep 76, but I have heard this for 6 years before I was !!!
I have had a reasonably full life.
When I was a teenager in the 60s docs still made house calls in rural small town America.

Every six months they pull blood and check; The "doc" fills out the computer form to get his medicare $. If I mention any ailment all I hear is "you are old". Yep 76, but I have heard this for 6 years before I was !!!
I have had a reasonably full life.
I have a belief that, they look at your insurance, they know what you need but they'll charge "a la carte" against your insurance for everything covered before they actually perform the procedure that is actually needed. I cant prove it but...I see what people go through at a doctors office. Lets use a diabetic toe for example theyll treat it give pills and make the person go through 1 year of trial and error and pain before actually amputating it...
I firmly believe some doc's first concern is the health of the patient, other doc's their priority if the $$ first and foremost.
Im sure I think the best docs get into it to help people the ones who get into it for the money are well ya get what ya get. Isn't just docs its the nurses the aides all of em if its just a job to em y a get what ya get.