Cow lives matter!!!!

This is an abomination. The poor cow probably had something in it's past that caused it to behave the way it did. It couldn't help it. There is no mention of intervention personnel being utilized prior to the cruel and inhumane shooting! Have the videos been made public? Are the officers on suspension? Have we scheduled a memorial parade and some demonstrations? Can we initiate a holiday...Bessy Day? We need to contact our lawmakers to establish stricter laws regarding the protection of cows, especially underprivelaged and emotionally unstable cows.
Should have studied that cow instead. Pretty damn perseptive of the cow. He knew what was coming and made a break for it.
This thread just moooved me to tears. ( laughing that is!)
Oh! As far as adding bacon. Watch out for the hogs going HOG WILD in protest too.
It's not the cow's fault. He came from the slums and never had a chance. Papa cow ran off with the neighborhood ho and was never seen again, so he had no role model.
this is an udder disaster. all these window licker's leaving the dumb *** comments. hell id rather be shot than take a ball peen hammer to the head. hope they have a memorial BBQ.
I used to know that cow.....he was a gentle giant and had turned his life around.

That's a beaut!

If I had a dime for everytime I've read that in our local paper....usually it also includes that he found out he had a child by some tweeker chick and just stumbled a little bit by robbing the 7-11 and shooting a car owner in a car jacking while making his escape...but his family is quoted saying saying he brightened the room everytime he entered and was a devoted son, brother and new father who was "gunned down like a dog" (in this case, a cow) by the police"...they always forget to mention that he jumped out of the stolen car and began firing on the police. But he was a good boy trying to turn his life around....
Now mom's pissed!


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Just don't put your elbows on the table at dinner time.......she'll shank yer ***!
they had a march in Ft. Worth today

Barricades are being set up around cattle farms in hopes of controlling the protesting cows and the testis-less steers.