CPAP users....



Well-Known Member
May 24, 2009
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When you are sleeping, using the machine of course, do you feel like you are completely out? Ernie & I have been talking about this. Neither one of us feels like we are in a deep sleep. Most nights I can hear when the dogs are moving from bed to bed. When Red, our older Coonhound shakes his head I can his his jowls shaking. Seems more like I am in a very light sleep than in a deep sleep. Last 2 months or so almost feels like it is not doing much of anything for me...ditto for the Boss.....
Just the opposite for me...other than the dash for the bathroom :) Now before cpap, that was a different state of affairs..
Depends. I sleep like a frickin' rock for the first 5-6 hours of the night, but I tend to drift in and out of sleep for the last hour or so (the amount of time varies). Same on the weekends when I sleep a few hours later. That tells me the CPAP has nothing to do with it, in my case at least.

Glad to hear you're still using the CPAP, but it sounds like you and your wife have other issues going on besides the sleep apnea.
I had it for two years but was more exhausted , so I gave up using it , found the machine annoying and I could never settle down properly
I had it for two years but was more exhausted , so I gave up using it , found the machine annoying and I could never settle down properly

That makes it sound like you didn't have sleep apnea...most folks say night and day.

I didn't take my machine with me during a trip in March...I had forgotten how bad my sleep was before the cpap..
I honestly don't know if I could sleep without my machine. when I first fall asleep and before the machine I would experience the same things you describe Ink. my boss would tell me you were sleeping and I could tell her everything that had gone on while she thought I was a sleep.
Yeah, I noticed on Sunday that I can't nap in front of the football game anymore... But I'm not moving the CPAP to the living room, either!
That makes it sound like you didn't have sleep apnea...most folks say night and day.

I didn't take my machine with me during a trip in March...I had forgotten how bad my sleep was before the cpap..

I definitely been diagnosed with sleep apnea six years ago, the CPAP machine made no difference , Cannot Remember whether its was episodes per hour but I was having 57 episodes , like a zombie till about noon, everday
I have been using it since February or so....and do not feel any different.....
I have had mine close to ten years. The first 6-9 months were bad trying different mask and nose head gear. Now I can't sleep without it. Irsh rt if you stop breathing 57 times an hour you are putting yourself in a life threatening situation. You should see a heart doctor as that puts a lot of stress on your heart. My dentist died from sleep apena so it can kill you. Cpaps are not the perfect fix some nights when restless from neck and back pain I feel like there is a snake around me fighting with the hose
I have had mine close to ten years. The first 6-9 months were bad trying different mask and nose head gear. Now I can't sleep without it. Irsh rt if you stop breathing 57 times an hour you are putting yourself in a life threatening situation. You should see a heart doctor as that puts a lot of stress on your heart. My dentist died from sleep apena so it can kill you. Cpaps are not the perfect fix some nights when restless from neck and back pain I feel like there is a snake around me fighting with the hose

We tried everything different masks , pressures etc with no improved results , I gave it a fair chance 2 yrs approx , Had a close one about a year ago without CPAP nearly suffocated , took me ten minutes to recover, the specialist last time I seen him said there was nothing else they could do , so the machine went back , I dont miss it but he did say the apnea didnt mean it was life threatening, I have changed my breathing styles over the years which I think has helped slightly
I have had mine close to ten years. The first 6-9 months were bad trying different mask and nose head gear. Now I can't sleep without it. Irsh rt if you stop breathing 57 times an hour you are putting yourself in a life threatening situation. You should see a heart doctor as that puts a lot of stress on your heart. My dentist died from sleep apena so it can kill you. Cpaps are not the perfect fix some nights when restless from neck and back pain I feel like there is a snake around me fighting with the hose

Have had mine since 2003. First few months were tough trying to get used to it. One day the brain just decided to accept it, and now can't sleep without it now. I pPut it on, it relaxes me and it's "Good Night Irene".
When I had my sleep study done I had 45 or so apneas in under an hour. Only thing they seem to look at is this number, which is down to two an hour.....according to my machine....
................Doug, I've had mine 6 years, I can say that I have a much better sleep with it than with out it......the gf can't get to sleep unless I have my mask
I use a bipap which goes up and down with the pressure like breathing. I wore an overnight oximeter on my finger and my O2 level was below 90 without it. I'm used to it after 10 years. I just told myself that I was going to have to get used to it and bingo.
So Am I Born And Bred in Galway, At Least we got a couple of thing in Common
Could you post some pictures of Ireland? Chances are I am never going to make it over there....

................Doug, I've had mine 6 years, I can say that I have a much better sleep with it than with out it......the gf can't get to sleep unless I have my mask
Guessing you snore like a train without it? Thing is I snore very little, if at all, without it. Ernie is the one that can shake the windows. On one of her trips to AZ she did not bring the machine. When she was there the daughter called and asked me to send the machine down so she could sleep...and they were not even in the same room...
My Dad was a real bad snorer. If his bedroom window was open the neighbors could hear him when they were sitting on the porch on the side of there house.....My parents spent the last 10 years or so of there lives sleeping in separate rooms, not that it helped much.
In my profession I see many patients in the hospital. I know first hand that about 90% of those admitted to the hospital today are refered for a sleep study. Almost 100% of those refered are then prescribed a CPAP.
They act like you are going to die in your sleep, within a month, if you don't get one.
You "must have it" as long as you have the money for your insurance C0-PAY up front.
If you don't it is suddenly not as serious anymore.

Seriously, 10 years ago, were eight out of ten of your friends dying in their sleep?
The only person I ever knew to die on his sleep was a drug addict.
I really think these machines are a crock!
In my profession I see many patients in the hospital. I know first hand that about 90% of those admitted to the hospital today are refered for a sleep study. Almost 100% of those refered are then prescribed a CPAP.
They act like you are going to die in your sleep, within a month, if you don't get one.
You "must have it" as long as you have the money for your insurance C0-PAY up front.
If you don't it is suddenly not as serious anymore.

Seriously, 10 years ago, were eight out of ten of your friends dying in their sleep?
The only person I ever knew to die on his sleep was a drug addict.
I really think these machines are a crock!

I agree to a point....and disagree to a point. If it were not for my wife having a CPAP I would NEVER get any sleep the way she snores when she does not use it....