I'm trying to figure the compression ratio on my 340, and since this is the first time I've worked with pistons that stick up above the deck I want to make sure I'm figuring the volumes correctly. The pistons are .030+ speed pro L2316F, flat top w/ 2 valve reliefs. They are out of the hole by .036" at TDC, so I used the .250" down formula which gave me a volume of 55.5 cc. Area (13.01") X .250" gives me 53.3 cc, so I ended up with a volume of +2.2 cc ( I think the eyebrows are large enough to more than make up for the height above deck).The formula I have uses both DHV and EDV, but am I right in thinking I can just use the 2.2 as the DHV and run the numbers? Or do I need to go back and measure both, which I'm not sure how to do? Thanks in advance, Karlin.