Ah man...that sucks! I recently lost a website to a hacker. It was not salvageable. I spent so much time on it only to have it wiped out by some loser.

I don't understand the reasoning either. Here's to the hacker :thebirdm:
When it comes to backing up, there's two types of people. Those that do, and those that will.

When it comes to backing up, there's two types of people. Those that do, and those that will.



Check out Jungledisk (, I've been using it for a few months now and am very happy with it. Easy to use on Windows, Linux and Mac and relatively cheap. Plus you can access your data from pretty much anywhere with the web interface.

I store around 200 GB per month from a pair of Linux servers and one Windows machine and it costs about $20.
In my case the backups were on my host's server. He wiped everything clean after being hacked. I learned a lesson.
In my case the backups were on my host's server. He wiped everything clean after being hacked. I learned a lesson.

If your data is important to you, make sure you back it up yourself and don't rely on somebody else to do it for you. Because you data isn't nearly as important to them as it is to you.
Just wanted to post a quick warning to the admins here just became the victim of some dickweed hacker. The site is effectively down thanks to some looser with no life. I hope this site's fiewall is better than theirs.

I have been trying to buy that site but cant seem to get the attention of the owner. Man, what I could do with that site.

Hackers usually get in through a hacked password. This is why you keep backups in 2 places.
I download the tars to my hard drive. Their site is back up now.