Cuda is MISSING.....?

Well, glad that worked out and your car got delivered Tom. A whole lot of unnecessary stress on you because someone couldn't be bothered to pick up the phone and let you know the status of your delivery.
Excellent news Tom! I've been watching this thread since the beggining. Hoisting a big mug of coffee to you too.
Glad you got your car!! That is one nice looking notch! Now it's time for me to go get some coffee as well.
Congrats Tom,
So what have we learned today?
A phone call can solve alot of problems. (Ask any married guy).
Robert actually agreed with Tom. (Amazing)
Jim must be a car transporter because he doesn't listen to what people are saying....
and finally,
Tom has one sweet ride.......

Now for the coffee.....
I had a similar experience shipping my cuda from West Coast to East Coast. When it finally arrived the driver acted really angry at the car and at me (offense=defense?) for making his life miserable. My car was on last, so they had to move it to get other cars on and off. He had trouble starting it; if it had been in great mechanical shape, I would have driven it here myself. It still smelled like ether, and I later realized the cowl was bent from where he had used it as a stepladder. He extorted an extra $100, because "I hadn't told them the car wouldn't start."
I've been watching this thread too.

I would have been on fire myself. I don't blame you at all!

Glad you got it back!!
I`ve had bad service from auto moving companies too. One that I contracted to pick up a car in Ohio and deliver to Va. missed the pick up by nearly 3 weeks. I cancelled with them (DAS) and had a privateer deliver it. He had it to me in a week at a hundred dollars cheaper. Another car that came from New York was late by several days and they bent up the gas tank which I didn`t see until days later. I didn`t feel like fighting with them by this time so I let it go. I think auto movers slogan should be something like "better late than never".
Glad to see this saga has officially ended, and it appears that your baby is alive and well (and good-looking I might add)..

Break out the cigars!Toms new arrival.What a beauty you have there,I,m sure your mind is at ease.Now go and enjoy!
Great looking car Tom!! Well worth the wait. Although it sure would be nice to stick it to the broker in a similar manner to the treatment you got

Very happy to see a happy ending. If people would remember to simply treat others the way they would like to be treated, things would be so much easier.

Tom, once again, I am glad you have your car and that it passed inspection.

As for what Goldfish said above, I'm not sure he was talking about anything to do with your situation (or cars in general) but I agree with him 100%. There's something to be said for a happy ending (and all that goes along with it as well). :tongue9::king::thumblef:
Wow Tom,thanks for the pic!

Looks like she was worth the wait. Just gorgeous!
Glad to see you got your car dispite the agravation, very nice car. I was a transporter for boats i always called the customer to keep them aware of my progress [ i did not trust my dispatcher would do that] When it comes to my cars i transport my self i don't trust anyone besides it's cheaper for me to do it than pay and worry. I've found thru the years that you get what you pay for. I'm not made of money but after my family my cars are 2nd most important if i have to take off work to do something so be it[i work for a company that knows my love of cars] it's said if you want it done right do it your self. Again i'm happy you got your car sorry for your problems with communication but it worked out. And WELCOME TO FLORIDA !!! We are just around the corner from you.
Wow is that beautiful....If you don't mind me asking what Part of NY did it come from..
Glad to see it worked out in the end. I too had my experience with the car hauler. Fortunately it wasn't nearly as bad.
Love the car! Love the Keystone Classics too!