CudaChick (Leanna) needs our help....



Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
In the short time I have been here I have seen FABO come to the aid of many members.After reading Leanna's thread

and seeing the words "I'm just broke"

I think it is time we helped one of our most loyal,generous,fun loving,stand up members here.She is having a hard time and deserves our help.I know she will refuse,and if she does well then Smallblock can run over there and talk some sense into her.:-D Leanna,we all love you,and you deserve this. I am in for $100.Please put in what you can,I'm sorry I don't have her paypal address,if someone could post it that would be great.I hope I am speaking for everyone.
DRENO !!! you are the man!! She has helped many and I mean MANY folks here and commits her time here to keep the young guns smiling, not to mention all the smiles she has put on all the members here, I am in for a small amount for a gallon of chocolate milk and a few packs of take a brake under the shade tree cig's
$25 tonight to her paypal, I live closer to her and Billy so I will be the one to talk some sense into her, All I have to do is get around that big guy Billy :-D, I think I can, I think I can, I think I can :-D
I will be in for 20 after tonight I want to keep her around, like memike said the young guns contest and not getting anything but thanks and alot of happy young guns although I am sure she enjoys it it is time she may not have sometimes so lets help her out, she is so generous about giving to us I will be more than happy to help her out.
I don't have paypal but put me down for $20, I'll send it snell mail.. I know what its like to run out of smokes, last time I ran out I think I ended up in jail... Anyways, She is a true asset to eveyone on this web-site...
Noooooooo, please don't!!! Times are tough for everybody right now. I have plenty of work here so the situation is not dire, I just need the customers to include a deposit when they send the parts.

Thanks to all of you for the kind thoughts and actions! But there are many, many others out there who are much worse off than me ... at least I have a job. :-D

You are all amazing.
ummm I'm not sure that email address is right. for the paypal....Phoenix is spelled wrong....

aloha mike
I will send my tonite when I get home from work.8) C'mon people ,it doesn't have to be a lot ,just what you can spare,remember this is our Leanna.8)
You guys are doing a great thing for Leanna :cheers:
this just reminds us all that FABO is the greatest place on the internet :)
i would really liketo donate money for Leanna, but i owe my Dad money for the pickup i bought off of him, so im stuck..
But thanks again for doing this on Leanna's part guys!!!!
I agree with memike, it's about the smile she's given us, but for me its not about being her customer, which I haven't had the pleasure of being, but about a good giving person that needs a little help . . .
If I know Leanna....she will end up giving whomever sends some $$$$... she will credit you for work to be done....It's going to be a tough sell to get her to accept the $$$$.

I'm in for $50.

I still have to round up all the bits that I want coated so I can send them down to her. But it sounds like she's kinda busy. My engine is almost ready, I need my bling =P~.

And she will come around. She knows who she's dealing with. We're stubborn bastages :-D.
Holy cow, this is crazy! I still insist on a Big Fat No (yeah, bold with initial capital letters) but this is a Kit Kat moment when I need a few minutes. I gotta make a phone call.