.45 nice rod. ( Spare the rod- Spoil the child )

lol. exactly what I was thinking!

I agree with what he did. I remember one time as a 14 year old I had a buddy stay the night. Well, my dad worked nights, 12hr shifts. He came home the next morning and was trying to sleep but me, my friend, and my two sisters were being loud and not letting my dad sleep as he had to work that night as well. He got up only in his underwear, went outside in plain daylight, grabbed a switch off the tree, came in and gave me and my sisters a good woopin, then looked at my friend and said "YOU WANT SOME TOO!!"
Talk about embarrassing! However, it never happened again. That was in the mid 1990's. If that happened now to some of today's spoiled kids, the dad would be sued by the friend's parents.
My dad didn't do everything right but he didn't do everything wrong...single dad raising 3 kids....and I respect him for doing what he could do with what he was taught and learned.
I turned out okay...going to school to be a pastor and professional counselor. One day when I have a little one or two...I won't be sparing the rod and spoiling them either.
Oh and the rod doesn't necessarly mean physical punishment either, it should better be know as just plain disciplining. Discipline isn't about beating your child into respecting you or beating them into doing the right's about correcting them in love and showing them the better and best ways to go about doing what they need to do to make it in this world and be a person of honesty, integrity and character. Sometimes love is tough...and what this man definitely did was tough love.