Dad passed away

Sorry to hear about your loss Steve!!
My thoughts are with you!!
I'm sorry for your loss.
I will pray for Jesus to comfort you and your family and that he brings to mind the most precious memories of time spent with your father as the memories live on in you and the people his life touched !!
God Bless
May God give you peace that surpasses all understanding .
This hits close to home. My dad turns 70 this year.

My condolences and thoughts are with you.
That is what family do for each other Steve, and this place is like family to a lot of us. God bless

Dang Steve, sorry for your loss. My pop is a mopar guy too. We restored a lil red express together. Super good memories. My pop is pushing 78. Dunno how long i will have him for either. Sounds like you have lots of good memories of you and your dad. Thats awesome. These are things you can share with your kids and grandkids to help keep his memory alive. Sounds like he was a great guy, and at least he isnt suffering anymore. Our body is only a temporary vessel, but our spirits live on forever. Have faith my friend you will be reunited with him someday.

Hopefully heaven has never ending highways and fuel tanks that never go empty, and jesus is a mopar fan.

Steve I am so sorry for your loss...I too lost my Mom to cancer at age 60... The pain goes away but the hurt lingers on forever...It has been 24 years since Mom pssed and I still miss her some days more then others...Just hang in there and remember all the good times you had with your Dad...I send you heartfelt prayers and peace...Bill
Hey Steve,just got back from vacation and had to do a search to see how your Pops was doing.I,m saddened to hear of his passing and know of the heart ache of loosing a loved one.(I lost my mom and dad in the past 20mnths).My condolences to you and your family Steve.

You have my #,so give me a shout when your up to it.
Sorry to hear this Steve thoughts and prayers sent your way.
Sorry to hear this Steve thoughts and prayers sent your way.

Thanks Ken.

I was sifting thru some Moparfest pics here on fabo and I thought it was kinda fitting. Thats Dad, his 67 cuda is on the right.
Love you Dad, miss you like heck...


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Hey there Steve, I was just digging through some pics as well and found this one of you with a proud pops looking over your shoulder..... Just like he is right now.


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Hey there Steve, I was just digging through some pics as well and found this one of you with a proud pops looking over your shoulder..... Just like he is right now.

Thanks Andy. I think of him and talk to him every day. I booked Moparfest today for Lori and I, and it brought back more memories. Hope to see you and Linda(??)there this year!
I'm sorry for your loss, I too have recently lost my Dad so I know how that feels and what its like, My condolences man.......
It was a year ago today that I lost Dad. I think about him every day. Dont cry every day but I do think about him every day. He would have loved being a Great Grandpa!

Here's a pic of Mom and Dad.
2nd pic is picking up Dads cuda. Dads wearing gold, he's a 49ers fan LOL
Love you miss you Dad


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Time heals though you'll always miss him. Your Mom and Dad must've been the most attractive couple in that room. Thanks for sharing.
Steve, my deepest condolences to you and yours, and prayers up for you. I know what it's like, having made that journey back in '89. We are here for you.
They say time heals all wounds, but it can never erase the memories. Those are two pretty cool pics. One was back when it was actually "cool" to have a drink in hand for a photo!

P.S. He sure is a good looking fellow.........what happened to you!! JK Bud.
Hey Steve!
Hope you are doing well and staying strong in your Heart!
And I thank you for your help that you have done.

Nice picture of your mother and father!

GOD bless you!

Time heals though you'll always miss him. Your Mom and Dad must've been the most attractive couple in that room. Thanks for sharing.

I agree...what a cool looking couple!!!

My he RIP.....I can't say I feel your pain or know anything about this but I will say you are a good man Steve and I am sure "pops" is very proud of matter how crazy YOU MAY GET lol