Dad passed away

So sorry to hear that DRENO, hang in there man I know it is hard, we lost a son so I know how you feel
Sorry to hear about your Dad Dave! He obviously lived a good long life, I can only hope to see the age of 90...good for him and you. An excellent role model indeed! My families condolescenses and if you need to get out for a drink to celebrate your dad's life send me an email [email protected] ! WE are pretty well neighbours!
I am so sorry for your family's loss. What a great-looking guy, he reminds me of my Grampa.
DRENO, I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. Don't hesitate to let me know if you need a shoulder or willing ear -- both are always here for you.
So very sorry to hear of your loss. Hold tight to those fond memories and they will get you through the worst of this.

Sorry to hear of your loss, DRENO. Be there for your Mom, she needs you now more than ever. Your Mom & Dad were together for a long time, this has to be extremely hard on her. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.
............I am so sorry for your loss.....I know the grief you are going through as I have lost both of my parents.......God bless you.......You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.........memories last forever.............Kim..........
Dreno, I am very sorry for your loss. I know what you are going through as my dad passed away a few months ago. my mom too was devastated. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Johnny.
Sorry for your loss. He sounds like he was a wonderfull man.

Strength to and yours in this difficult time.

My deepest sympathies.

Sorry to hear about your dad. I remember when my mom passed. You don't think that the heart will ever heal. Your memories will always stay and the pain will slowly fade away.

Dreno, very sorry for you and your family. Obviously he was a great man, and did a wonderful job at raising his son. Keep the memories and stay strong.
I can relate. Lost both parents 5 months apart a little over 2 years ago. Feels like yesterday.

Take comfort in the fact that, like me and the memory of my Dad, he will live on in you and your family.

time helps

My deepest sympathies also go out to you and your family.
May this hard time pass quickly for you. This is never an easy time in life.
Keep thinking of the best times you had with him.