Daily driver tire size (Ford)



Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Hello gang,
Well, I purchased new snow tires for the front of my 06 Ford Fusion DD and instead of installing the 205/60R16 like I asked for the shop installed 215/60R16s. :banghead:
UGH! So now my rears are 205s and fronts are 215. I viewed a tire chart and understand the difference in the RPM and MPH, but what do you guys think? I will call tomorrow morning and either tell them get the right size or order new tires in 215 for the rear.

What would you do?
For me the choice is easy, and the word "polite" will not be included. I'm sick and tired of mistakes made by tire stores.
2 choices,
swap them onto the rear, or go back and make em do what you said.

The difference between 205's a 215's is the width so it wont make a difference in MPH or RPM.

I take it the rears are not snow tires.
Make them put on the correct size for your car, 205/60R16. With todays ABS tire size is important. Many tire stores are getting to where they won't even touch your car if the wrong size tires are on it.
Get the right size.

I dropped two off at Firestone store years back for the front of the Wife's DD the day before we were making a trip from Fla to Md. 195/70/14's.....No problem, be done in a couple hours. Pick them up just before closing time, didn't check, and get home to find out they were 195/75's. Place was closed when I called, so they went on the back and off we went. They were 3/4" or so taller, but I never felt any issue's with the ABS, and it never thru a code.

Needless to say, I never went near that shop again.
Although the tire shop tried to convince me to just go with the bigger size and (of course) buy two for the rear, I told them hell no, install the right size and they did.
The End.